Rule 42003 - Missing Prerequisite (Can not be Waived)

To be updated with F9471

Rule Type Warning

Validated Data


A student will be deemed missing the prerequisite if, in all school years in which the student takes the course, the student has not met all the “prerequisite rules”.

This rule only applies to Course Enrolment records that meet the following criteria:

If the rule applies to the Course Enrolment, based on the Section School Year associated to the Section1):

The prerequisite rules2) considered by this validation rule include those prerequisite rules that satisfy the following criteria:

If the all the included prerequisite rules have been satisfied, the student has satisfied the prerequisites and the warning is not produced.

The rule applies starting with the 2019/2020 school year.

Validating Prerequisites

When the Course Enrolment Status of the Course Enrolment is Completed, the prerequisites are considered to be satisfied when the student satisfies the required number of prerequisite courses based on:

When the Course Enrolment Status of the Course Enrolment is Registered or Active, the prerequisites are considered to be satisfied when the student satisfies the required number of prerequisite courses based on:

Valid Official Marks

A valid Official Mark is one that has:

Valid Completed Course Enrolments

A valid Completed Course Enrolment is one that:

Valid Active Course Enrolments

A valid Active Course Enrolment is one that has:


When validation rules, the following message is returned to the user:

Missing Prerequisite Course. The student has not satisfied the prerequisites for {Enrolled Course Description} ({Enrolled Course Code}). The student must take {Course Listing}.


  • {Enrolled Course Description} is the Course Full English Name of the enrolled course.
  • {Enrolled Course Code} is the Course Code of the enrolled course.
  • {Course Listing} is a listing of all the missing Course Codes considered by the prerequisite rules.

The Course Listing is derived based on the courses the student needs to take to satisfy the prerequisite rule. There are two scenarios to be considered: Individual Courses that the student must take, and a set of courses that the student must partially take.

  • Individual courses are those that are included in prerequisite rules where the number of courses to take match the number of courses is the list of courses (i.e. 1 of 1, 2 of 2, 3 of 3, etc). When a student is missing individual courses from these rules, they are simply listed as {Course Description} - {Course Code}.
  • When the student is missing some courses out of a set of courses (example is missing 1 of 2 courses, or 2 of 3 courses, or 2 of 4 courses, etc), the message will include:
{Missing Course Count} of either {Courses} 
  • Where {Courses} is formatted as:
    • 1 course: {Course Description} - {Course Code}
    • 2 courses: {Course Description 1} - {Course Code 1} or {Course Description 2} - {Course Code 2}
    • More than 2 courses: {Course Description 1} - {Course Code 1}, {Course Description 2} - {Course Code 2}, {Course Description N} - {Course Code N}, or {Last Course Description} - {Last Course Code}
  • Each of the individual courses along with each set of courses are included in the final message. This is formatted as follows:
    • 1 Missing Course/Set: {Course/Set}
    • 2 Missing Courses/Sets: {Course/Set 1} and {Course/Set 2}
    • More than 2 Missing Courses/Sets: {Course/Set 1}, {Course/Set 2}, and {Course/Set 3}.{Course Listing} is either:

Example Messages

1 Missing Course Missing Prerequisite Course. The student has not satisfied the prerequisites for Advanced Alphabetics (ABC3210). The student must take Intermediate Alphabetics - ABC2210, or the prerequisites must be waived.
1 Missing Set Missing Prerequisite Course. The student has not satisfied the prerequisites for Advanced Alphabetics (ABC3210). The student must take 1 of either Intermediate Alphabetics - ABC2210 or History of Alphabetics - ABC2220 or the prerequisites must be waived.
2 Missing Courses/Sets Missing Prerequisite Course. The student has not satisfied the prerequisites for Advanced Alphabetics (ABC3210). The student must take Intermediate Alphabetics - ABC2210 and 1 of either History of Alphabetics - ABC2220 or History of the Alphabet - ABC2221 or the prerequisites must be waived.
3 Missing Courses/Sets Missing Prerequisite Course. The student has not satisfied the prerequisites for Advanced Alphabetics (ABC3210). The student must take Intermediate Alphabetics - ABC2210, The Art of Letters - ABC2333, and 1 of either History of Alphabetics - ABC2220 or History of the Alphabet - ABC2221 or the prerequisites must be waived.
4 Missing Courses/Sets Missing Prerequisite Course. The student has not satisfied the prerequisites for Advanced Alphabetics (ABC3210). The student must take Intermediate Alphabetics - ABC2210, The Art of Letters - ABC2333, 1 of either History of Alphabetics - ABC2220 or History of the Alphabet - ABC2221, and 2 of either Hidden Meanings of Vowels - ABC2777, Heiroglyphics to Alphabets - ABC2888, or The History of Runes - ABC2999 or the prerequisites must be waived.

Applies To

This rule applies to:

    No links found.

Change History

  • Created - Release 8.01
Course relationships with Relationship Type = PRQ