Request Diploma Exam Rescore Manually (Business Process)

Part of the Diploma Exam Mark Rescore Process. Students (or a 3rd party on behalf of the student, such as parents) can request a rescore of a diploma exam mark where the student's consent has been gathered. They can do this using the manual rescore request application form or the myPass online rescore request functionality.

Where the user chooses to complete the manual rescore request application form, the process below will be followed.



Primary Scenario - Manual request for non-independent/under 18 student with payment accepted

This scenario begins when a requestor wants to request a rescore on a diploma exam mark.

  1. Requestor completes the Diploma Examination Rescore Application form.
  2. Requestor gathers consent to proceed.
  3. Parent signs the request form to provide consent to proceed with the rescore.
  4. Student signs the request form to provide consent to proceed with the rescore.
  5. Requestor submits the completed form and payment via mail to Assessment.
  6. Assessment receives the Diploma Examination Rescore Application form.
  7. Assessment creates the rescore request online using the myPass Admin Add Diploma Exam Rescore Request screen using the Submit Diploma Exam Rescore Request service.
  8. Assessment sends payment to Finance for processing.
  9. Finance receives rescore payment.
  10. Finance processes rescore payment.
  11. Finance provides Assessment with the EPS2 Payment Identifier (Payment ID).
  12. Assessment receives Payment ID.
  13. Assessment adds payment information to the rescore request using the myPass Admin Add Diploma Exam Rescore Request screen.

This scenario ends with the a completed rescore request being created in myPass.

Alternate Scenario #1 - Student Independent or Over 18 Years of Age

This scenario begins from step 2 of the Primary Scenario where the student is independent or 18 years of age or older.

  1. Student signs the request form to provide consent to proceed with the rescore.

This scenario continues with step 5 of the Primary Scenario.

Alternate Scenario #2 - Counter Request

This scenario begins from step 4 of the Primary Scenario where a requestor wants to submit the request and payment at the Student Records counter.

  1. Requestor submits request and payment to Student Records.
  2. Student Records receives request and payment.
  3. Student Records forwards request and payment to Finance.
  4. Finance processes rescore payment.
  5. Finance sends payment ID and rescore request to Assessment.
  6. Assessment receives rescore request and Payment ID.
  7. Assessment creates rescore request online in myPass.
  8. Assessment Adds payment information to the rescore request record in myPass.

This scenario ends with a rescore request being successfully created in myPass.

Alternate Scenario #3 - Payment Not Received

This scenario begins from step 7 of the Primary Scenario where payment has not been saved.

  1. Assessment follows up with the Requestor to request payment.

This scenario ends with Assessment following up with the Requestor because payment has not been received.