Welcome to the PASI Wiki

The primary objective of the Provincial Approach to Student Information (PASI) system is to securely share Student information with those stakeholders who need it.

The right information, to the right people, at the right time!

The PASI system is comprised of the following interfaces:

PASI Services A collection of system interfaces that can be used by other systems to directly integrate on the information in PASI.
PASIprep A user interface that can be used by those within the Alberta education system to view and manage the information in PASI.
myPass A user interface for students and parents to access and manage their information in PASI.
Alberta Student Link A user interface for individuals in an education system outside of Alberta to request information about a student.

The information available in PASI includes:

Student Information Information about those individuals participating in the Alberta education system.
School Authority Information Information about the organizations offering educational services.
Course Information Information about courses offered within the Alberta education system.
Exam Information Information about exams offered to students within the Alberta education system.