Get Student School Enrolment Audit Events (2018)

The Get Student School Enrolment Audit Events Service should be used to retrieve history of changes made to a School Enrolment within PASI Core.

Only the organizations that own the School Enrolment record will be able to retrieve School Enrolment audit events.

This version of the service is available starting with the 2018 Service Endpoint1).


The service can be accessed by systems with the PASI Client Role role.

Request Information

The following information is provided when using this service:

  • A single Reference ID for the Student School Enrolment Audit Event record being requested.

Request Validations

The following rules are used to validate the information provided in the request:

Service Functionality

School Enrolment information for each version of the record (including the current version of the record) identified in the request will be retrieved from the PASI Core and returned in the response.

The Student School Enrolment information will be updated using the following mapping and then returned by the service when it is called from 2018 End Point:

    • In order to derive the Registration Status for audit records, Last Update Date from the shadow record is used instead of the current date to calculate the Registration Status for Audit Records in the shadow table. See the mapping information in the table below. The Registration Status for the current record will continue to use the current date for status calculation.

Response Information

    No links found.
for the current version of this service, refer to Get Student School Enrolment Audit Events