Identifying Course Challenge Equivalencies

Throughout the Official Mark Calculator, courses that are deemed equivalent to other course challenges are used in various contexts.

To identify Course Challenge Equivalencies that should be considered, the calculator first identifies a list of courses the student has successfully challenged (along with the school years in which they challenged the course). This list of challenged courses is built by iterating through the Course Enrolment and Evaluated Mark for the student.

For each Course Enrolment, if the Course Enrolment includes an approved passing mark and is associated to a Section with a Primary Delivery Method of Course Challenge (CHA), the course code is identified as a course that the student successfully challenged in the school year of the associated section.

For each Evaluated Mark, if the Evaluated Mark includes an approved passing mark and has an Evaluated Mark Evaluation Method of Course Challenge (CHA), the course code is identified as a course that the student successfully challenged in the school year on the Evaluated Mark.

Once all the challenged courses have been identified, the calculator identifies a list of courses that are deemed course challenge equivalents to the challenged courses. This is done by iterating through the list of challenged courses. For each school year in which the student challenged a course, the calculator identifies the courses that are deemed course challenge equivalents to the course in the year in which the student completed the challenge. This is done by finding Course Relationships that meet the following criteria:

For each Course Relationship found, each of the Related Courses is added to a list of potentially equivalent courses.

  • Potential CHA Equivalent . Challenged Course Code = Challenged Course . Course Code
  • Potential CHA Equivalent . School Year = Challenged Course . School Year
  • Potential CHA Equivalent . Equivalent Course Code = Course Relationships . Related Courses . Course Code

By matching the list of { Potential CHA Equivalent . Challenged Course Code } against the list of { Passed Course . Course Code }, the potentially course challenge equivalent courses will be considered a valid course challenge equivalent course if the list of { Passed Course . School Years } for the challenged course code is the same as the list of { Potential CHA Equivalent . School Years } for the same course code.

Each potentially equivalent course that passes this validation is then added to the final list of course challenge equivalent courses:

  • CHA Equivalent Course . Challenged Course Code = Potential CHA Equivalent . Challenged Course Code
  • CHA Equivalent Course . Equivalent Course Code = Potential CHA Equivalent . Equivalent Course Code

When needed, the official mark calculator can then reference this list of course challenge equivalent courses.

For Example

Consider the following set of course enrolments:

Course Code School Year Delivery Method Mark Is Approved?
ABC1111 2020 CHA 80% Yes
ABC1111 2021 REG 85% Yes

Consider the following set of evaluated marks:

Course Code School Year Evaluation Method Mark Is Approved?
ABC1111 2018 OOP-BC P Yes
ABC1111 2019 CHA 60% Yes

The list of challenged courses would include:

Course Code School Year
ABC1111 2019
ABC1111 2020

Consider the following Course Relationships for ABC1111:

Course Code Relationship Type First School Year Last School Year Related Courses
ABC1111 CHA 1905 ABC2222, ABC3333
ABC1111 TYP 1905 ABC4444
ABC1111 CHA 1905 2019 ABC5555
ABC1111 CHA 2019 2019 ABC6666
ABC1111 CHA 2019 ABC7777
ABC1111 REG 2017 2021 ABC8888

The list of potentially equivalent CHA courses would include:

Passed Course Code School Year Equivalent Course Code
ABC1111 2019 ABC2222
ABC1111 2019 ABC3333
ABC1111 2019 ABC5555
ABC1111 2019 ABC6666
ABC1111 2019 ABC7777
ABC1111 2020 ABC2222
ABC1111 2020 ABC3333
ABC1111 2020 ABC7777

Validating the school years compares the list of school years for the passed courses against the list of school years for the potentially equivalent courses:

Challenged Courses School Years Potentially Equivalent School Years
ABC1111 2019, 2020 ABC2222 2019, 2020
ABC3333 2019, 2020
ABC5555 2019
ABC6666 2019
ABC7777 2019, 2020

Therefore, the validated list of equivalent CHA courses includes:

Challenged Courses Equivalent Course
ABC1111 ABC2222
ABC1111 ABC3333
ABC1111 ABC7777