PASIprep PASI Settings

This PASIprep functionality allows specific PASIprep users to configure PASI.

From the PASI Settings menu the user has access to the several PASI administrative functions.

The PASI Settings are organized and accessible via the left navigation tabs detailed below.

Accessed From

The PASI Settings are accessed via the PASI Settings option of the Admin menu in PASIprep.

Secured By

Sub-Section Tabs

The following tabs are accessible via PASI Settings:

Subsection Tab

Security Additional Information
School Years Always visible This is the default tab the user is taken to when they are viewing PASI Settings.
Audit Logging Only visible for users with PASIprep Level 37 Permission - Manage PASI Audit Logging This is the tab the user goes to when to access the Detailed Audit Logs.
myPass Welcome Page Only visible for users with PASIprep Level 36 Permission - Manage myPass Settings This is the tab the user goes to when want to view the myPass - 'Please Note' - message.
PAT Result ISP Report Footer Only visible for users with PASIprep Level 36 Permission - Manage myPass Settings
CIA Synchronization Only visible for users with PASIprep Level 36 Permission - Manage myPass Settings
PED Synchronization (Placeholder) TBD
Official Document Settings Only visible for users with PASIprep Level 36 Permission - Manage myPass Settings This is the tab the user goes to manage the Minister's signature on official documents.
ASL Notification Settings Only visible for users with PASIprep Level 36 Permission - Manage myPass Settings This is the tab the user goes to manage the ASL Notifications.