Rule 10114 - Invalid Citizenship Status for ETC

Rule Type Warning

Validated Data


If the student has a School Enrolment with an Enrolment Type Code of 417 or 418, then:

This rule is not applicable when the record is deleted or the registration start date is in the future and the School Year is a 'Future' school year.

If the enrolment start date is in the future, set the Next Scan Date to be equal to the enrolment start date. This rule is not applicable for distance learning service providers ADLC S.0099 or CFED S.1363.

Effective Period

  • This validation rule is effective starting the 2013/2014 school year.

Additional Notes


When this validation rule is triggered, the following message is returned:

  • Invalid Citizenship Status for Enrolment Type Code. When Enrolment Type Code of {CodeText CodeShortDescription} is used the Citizenship Status must be 5 and if a Guardian is linked to the Citizenship Record it must have a relationship type of Step Parent.


  • {CodeText CodeShortDescription} is the Code Text and Code Short Description associated to the Code Value of Enrolment Type Code

Applies To

Change History

  • Release 8.11 - Update F9795
  • Release 8.0 F10557 - Updated due to changes introduced in F9461/F9462 - Manage Student Citizenship.
  • Release 7.10 F8675\8676 - Updated to reflect changes in the data structure introduced as part of this feature.
  • Release 3.9 – Added/Updated