Submit Provincial Achievement Test

The Submit Provincial Achievement Test service allows Provincial Achievement Test information to be submitted to PASI. It can be used to:

  • Add a new Provincial Achievement Test, or
  • Delete an existing Provincial Achievement Test

This service can be used to manage a single record.

This service is available in the 2019 endpoint.


The service can be accessed by systems with the Ministry Client User role.

Request Information

The following information is provided when using this service (* denotes a mandatory data element):

  • A Provincial Achievement Test with the following information:
    • School Year* - A reference to a valid School Year between 1900 and 2100
    • Course Code* - A reference to a valid Course Code record
    • Form* - Identifies the form of the test as a code from MCSS
    • Langauge* - Identifies the language of the Provincial Achievement Test
    • Min Score* - Identifies the minimum score for the Provincial Achievement Test
    • Max Score* - Identifies the maximum score for the Provincial Achievement Test
    • Acceptable Cut Score - Identifies the score required to meet the acceptable standard for the Provincial Achievement Test
    • Excellent Cut Score - Identifies the score required to meet the excellence standard for the Provincial Achievement Test
    • Components - A list of one or more Provincial Achievement Test Components for the Provincial Achievement Test
      • English Component Label* - The English name to be used when reporting results for the component of the Provincial Achievement Test
      • French Component Label* - The French name to be used when reporting results for the component of the Provincial Achievement Test
      • Component Code* - A code value for an instance of a component
      • Min Score* - Identifies the minimum score for the Provincial Achievement Test Component
      • Max Score* - Identifies the maximum score for the Provincial Achievement Test Component
      • Acceptable Cut Score - Identifies the score required to meet the acceptable standard for the Provincial Achievement Test Component
      • Excellent Cut Score - Identifies the score required to meet the excellence standard for the Provincial Achievement Test Componenet
    • Footnote - A qualifier related to the definition of the Provincial Achievement Test
    • Footnote - French - A qualifier (in French) related to the definition of the Provincial Achievement Test
    • Is Deleted* - Identifies if the record is deleted or not
    • Ref ID* - Identifies the Provincial Achievement Test

Request Validations

Service Functionality

Once the request information has been validated the record will be saved to PASI Core. If the submission fails validation rejection rules are returned.

Response Information

A successful response to this service will include (* denotes mandatory information):

  • PASI Core Version *
  • Ref ID *
  • List of Rejections