Manage PATs

There are two steps to this process:

  1. Alberta Student Learning Assessments submits 8 PAT definitions (for the 5 1) courses, 3 of which can be in either French or English, once a year to PASI)
  2. After the PAT tests have been taken by the Grade 6 and Grade 9 students, the results are then submitted to PASI for sharing

PASI enables the sharing of PAT Results information between Alberta Education and:

  • Schools within Alberta. This sharing will be supported via PASIprep and through direct SIS integration.
  • Students who have written the PATs and their parent/guardians via myPass (both a PAT Result screen as well as a printable Individual Student Profile document)


Provincial Achievement Test

An Assessment defined Provincial Achievement Test. 2)

Provincial Achievement Test Component

PAT Result

The result of a Provincial Achievement Test which for most PAT tests is the sum (or other calculation) of the PAT Component Results.

PAT Component Result

The result of a Provincial Achievement Test at the component level. These are usually summed together to get the overall PAT Result

Manage Provincial Achievement Test Definitions

Provincial Achievement Test definitions are submitted to PASI by assessment as follows:

  1. Assessment submits Provincial Achievement Test and Component definitions via the Submit Provincial Achievement Test service
  2. PASIprep displays the Provincial Achievement Test and Component definitions on the List Provincial Achievement Test (PAT) and View PAT screens
  3. PASI Clients can call the Is Data Available service to determine if there are new Provincial Achievement Test records to be synchronized
  4. PASI Clients retrieve the Provincial Achievement Test and Component definitions via the Get Provincial Achievement Test service

Manage PAT Results

  1. PAT Results are submitted to PASI by assessment via the Submit Provincial Achievement Test Result service
  2. At the school or authority level, PASIprep displays the PAT Result and PAT Component Result on the List PAT Results and View PAT Result screens. This shows PAT results for students that wrote at that school or authority or who are currently enrolled at the organization.
  3. At the student level, PASIprep displays PAT Result on the View Student - Learning Needs Tab and the View Student - Courses & Marks Tab
  4. PASI Clients can call the Is Data Available service to determine if there are new PAT Result records to be synchronized
  5. PASI Clients retrieve the PAT Result and PAT Component Result via the Get Provincial Achievement Test Result service
1) , 2)
The number of PATs has been 5 for some time. They are: English and Français/French language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies
Most PAT tests have two components. Social Studies has zero