View Student Hold

The View Student Hold screen allows a PASIprep user to view the details of a Student Hold record.

Secured By

Refer to the Student Hold Data Access Rules for the security used to control access to this functionality.

Common Student Elements

Identifier Subtitle As described in the Page Title Header guideline.
Student Status Badges See Student Status Badges for full details on the status badges that can be displayed on a student record.

Details Tabs

Data Fields

Field NameDescription
Alberta Student NumberDisplays the ASN on the record.
Student Hold TypeDisplays the Student Hold Type for the Student Hold.
Expiry Date Displays the date that the Student Hold expires.
NotesDisplays notes entered by the user as context for the Student Hold.

Action Menu Options

EditLinks to Edit Student Hold
Expire Immediately
(located under the “More” menu)
Opens a dialogue box that asks the user:

Are you sure you would like to expire this student hold immediately?”
* The user can choose “yes” and the expiry date will be updated to today-1.
* If the user chooses “no,” no update is made to the student hold.

Audit History Tab

The View Student Hold Audit History tab displays all updates and changes made to a Student Hold record. Records can experience multiple updates or change over time.

The data in the grid is also viewable in Microsoft Excel by selecting the “Export to CSV” option.

Data Fields

Field NameDescription
Last Updated On The date and time the record was last updated as per the audit history guidelines
Alberta Student NumberDisplays the ASN for the record
Student Hold TypeDisplays the Student Hold Type for the Student Hold
Expiry DateAn inclusive date that indicates when the Student Hold Expires
NotesNotes is a short description as to why the Student Hold is in place for the Student
Updated ByDisplays the user who updated the Student Hold as per the audit history guidelines
Updated By OrganizationDisplays the organization the user is a member of for the user who updated the Student Hold as per the audit history guidelines

Google Analytics

Each tab should be tracked as a page view in the analytics as described in the PASIprep Analytics Guidelines.