Alberta Student Link Homepage

The Alberta Student Link Homepage is the landing page of Alberta Student Link, and it serves as the starting point for third party users to request access to a student's record.

The screen contains a “request” card and list grid of requests created by the third party user.

* Template used by this screen (e.g. PASIprep List Items Template and PASIprep 2.0 Card)

Secured By

In order to access the Alberta Student Link:

◾ The user must have logged into their Alberta Education Account.

Request Card

The request card outlines to the user the information required to make a request for a student's record.

To make a request the user will click the request button - which launches the Add Request (Alberta Student Link) screen.

The data grid lists all the request made by the user.

The user can click the view icon to see details of a specific request. Clicking the view icon will launch the View Request (Alberta Student Link) screen.

The list grid sorts in the following order:

  1. Approved requests
  2. Submitted requests
  3. Declined requests
  4. Downloaded requests
  5. Expired requests
  6. Cancelled requests

In addition, each status is ordered by 'last updated on'.

Data Grid Columns

The following information is available in this section of the screen:

Field Description Field Format
{View Icon}Goes to View Request (Alberta Student Link) png
{Download Icon}

Assembles a zip file with all the documents that were in the student's record at the time the approval was granted. See Downloading a Student Record below.

This action is available when:

  • The record has a request status of “Approved” and the current date is less than 14 days from the approved on date, or
  • The record has a request status of “Downloaded” and the last updated on date of the request record is less than 24 hours from the current date/time.
Last Attended SchoolThe current name and city of the School the student last attended for the request record.String
ASNStudent ASN (Student Record Access Request)nnnn-nnnn-n
Student NameThe full name of the student from the discrete name elements of the request record. Format: {Last Name}, {First Name} {Middle Name}String
Request StatusThe status of the request.String
Requested On DateThe date and time the request was created.Date & Time
Approved On DateApproved On Date and TimeDate & Time
Confirmed ASNDisplays the ASN of the confirmed student.nnnn-nnnn-n
Confirmed Preferred NameThe preferred full name of the student from PASIprep. Format: {Last Name}, {First Name} {Middle Name}String
Request Status Date

Displays the effective date of the current Request Status.
When the Request Status is ‘Approved’ display the Approved On Date/Time in the Request Status Date field.
When the Request Status is ‘Declined’ display the Last Updated On Date/Time in the Request Status Date field.
When the Request Status is ‘Cancelled’ display the Last Updated On Date/Time in the Request Status Date field.
When the Request Status is ‘Submitted’ the Request Status Date is hidden.

Date & Time
Last Updated OnIdentifies when the information was last updated.Date & Time
Reference IDPrimary key of the Student Record Access Request record.Integer

Downloading a Student Record

When downloading the student record, a ZIP file named after the student's ASN (999999999.ZIP) is assembled and downloaded. This ZIP file may contain:

  • A current DAR if the request has a value of True for Include DAR
    • If the student does not have any current Course Marks, a DAR is not included.
  • A PAT ISP for each Include PAT School Year
    • If an Include PAT School Year is a school year is which the student does not have any PAT Results, the PAT ISP for that school year will be excluded.
  • A student document for each Include Student Document
    • If the Student Document has been deleted, it will be excluded.

Once the file list of documents has been compiled, the request will be updated to reflect the final set of downloaded documents.

  • Change Include DAR to False if a DAR was not included
  • Remove any Include PAT School Years that were included in the approval, but excluded from the download.
  • Remove any Include Student Documents that were included in the approval, but excluded from the download.
  • Update the status of the request to Downloaded.