Get PAT Result ISP

The Get PAT Result ISP service is used to retrieve a report for a list of students based on the provided ASNs, containing PAT results for each student. Each ASN will return a PAT Result ISP (PDF).


The service can be accessed by systems with the View Academic Record User role.

Request Information

To request an Individual Student Profile or ISP, the PASI Client will provide the Alberta Student Number (ASN) for the student whose ISP is being requested and the language the document is required in (Document Language). A request to use this service will include (* denotes mandatory information):

Request Validations

The following rules are used to validate the information provided in the request:

If the validation rules fail, the request will be rejected and the rejection messages returned. If the request is not rejected, processing continues. Note: The service should be able to process all requests that pass validation rules and return ISPs for all successful calls via the service and rejections for all ASNs that do not pass the validation rules. The service will not outright reject the entire submission because one of the ASNs does not pass the validation rules.

Service Functionality

Once the request information has been validated, PASI will generate a PAT Result ISP report as a PDF document, for each ASN provided in the service request and to be included in the response.

  • Where the language submitted in the service is French, the document is generated as outlined in the following section (French).
  • Where the language submitted in the service is English, the document is generated as outlined in the following section (English).

Response Information

The response to a successful “Get PAT ISP” request will include a PDF document of the ISP (in the requested Document Language) that can be shared, saved to a permanent location or printed for a student. Response will include for each ASN requested: