Identifying WPC Equivalencies

To identify WPC Equivalencies that should be considered, the Official Mark Calculator first identifies a list of courses the student has passed (along with the school years in which they passed the course).

This list of passed courses is built by iterating through the Course Enrolment, Evaluated Mark, Diploma Exam Mark, and Calculated First Pass Marks for the student.

For each Course Enrolment, if the Course Enrolment includes an approved passing mark, the course code is identified as a course that the student passed in the school year of the associated section.

For each Evaluated Mark, if the Evaluated Mark includes an approved passing mark, the course code is identified as a course that the student passed in the school year of the evaluation.

For each Diploma Exam Mark, if the Diploma Exam Mark includes a passing mark, the course code is identified as a course that the student passed in the school year when they wrote the exam..

For each Calculated First Pass Official Mark, if the Official Mark includes a passing mark, the course code is identified as a course that the student passed in the achieved school year of the official mark.

  • Passed Course . Course Code = Official Mark . Course Code
  • Passed Course . School Year = Official Mark . Achieved School Year

Once all the passed courses have been identified, the calculator identifies a list of lower level courses for which the student may be eligible for WPC. This is done by iterating through the list of passed courses. For each course the student passed, the calculator identifies the course that is the typical progress into the course the student passed. This is done by finding Course Relationships that meet the following criteria:

For each Course Relationship found, the Related Courses are added to a list of lower level courses.

As WPC awarding can be chained, if a Typical Progression relationship is found, then the lower level course for that course must also be considered. For example, if the student passed English 30-1, then the lower level courses would include English 20-1 (the typical progression into English 30-1) and English 10-1 (the typical progression into English 20-1). The school year for both lower level courses would be the same.

Once all the lower level courses have been identified, the calculator identifies a list of courses that are deemed WPC equivalent to the lower level courses. This is done by iterating through the list of lower level courses. For each school year in which the student passed a course, the calculator identifies the courses that are deemed to be WPC equivalent to the course the student passed. This is done by finding Course Relationships that meet the following criteria:

For each Course Relationship found, each of the Related Courses is added to a list of potential WPC equivalent courses.

  • Potential WPC Equivalent . WPC Course Code = Lower Level Course . Course Code
  • Potential WPC Equivalent . School Year = Lower Level Course . School Year
  • Potential WPC Equivalent . Equivalent Course Code = Course Relationship . Related Courses . Course Code

The resulting list is a list of potential WPC equivalent courses. In order to be considered a valid WPC equivalent course, the equivalent course must be applicable for each school year in which the student passed the course.

  • The list of { Lower Level Course . School Years } for each { Lower Level Course . Course Code } should be the same as the list of { Potential WPC Equivalent . School Years } for each { Potential WPC Equivalent . Equivalent Course Code } that has a { Potential WPC Equivalent . WPC Course Code } that matches the { Lower Level Course . Course Code }.

Each potentially equivalent course that passes this validation is then added to the final list of WPC equivalent courses:

  • WPC Equivalent Course . WPC Course Code = Potential WPC Equivalent . WPC Course Code
  • WPC Equivalent Course . Equivalent Course Code = Potential WPC Equivalent . Equivalent Course Code

When needed, the official mark calculator can then reference this list of equivalent courses.

For Example

Consider the following set of course enrolments:

Course Code School Year Mark Is Approved?
HHH1111 2018 80% Yes
HHH2222 2019 48% Yes
HHH3333 2018 40% Yes

Consider the following set of evaluated marks:

Course Code School Year Evaluation Method Mark Is Approved?
HHH1111 2017 MUS 55% Yes
HHH4444 2017 OOP-BC P Yes

Consider the following set of diploma exam marks:

Course Code School Year Mark
HHH2222 2019 49%
HHH5555 2019 60%

Consider the following set of calculated first pass official marks:

Course Code School Year Mark
HHH1111 2017 80%
HHH2222 2019 50%
HHH3333 2018 40%
HHH4444 2017 P
HHH5555 2019 60%

The list of passing courses would include:

Course Code School Year
HHH1111 2017
HHH1111 2018
HHH2222 2019
HHH4444 2017
HHH5555 2019

Consider the following Course Relationships:

Course Code Relationship Type First School Year Last School Year Related Courses
HHH1111 TYP 1905 LLL1111
HHH5555 TYP 1905 LLL1111
LLL1111 REG 1905 EEE2222, EEE3333
LLL1111 WPC 1905 2019 WWWW5555
LLL1111 REG 2019 2019 EEE6666
LLL1111 WPC 2019 WWW7777
LLL1111 REG 2017 2021 EEE8888

The following Lower Level Courses would be considered:

Lower Level Course School Year
LLL1111 2017
LLL1111 2018
LLL1111 2019

The list of potentially equivalent courses would include:

Lower Level Course School Year Equivalent Course Code
LLL1111 2017 EEE2222
LLL1111 2017 EEE3333
LLL1111 2017 WWW5555
LLL1111 2017 EEE8888
LLL1111 2018 EEE2222
LLL1111 2018 EEE3333
LLL1111 2018 WWW5555
LLL1111 2018 EEE8888
LLL1111 2019 EEE2222
LLL1111 2019 EEE3333
LLL1111 2019 WWW5555
LLL1111 2019 EEE6666
LLL1111 2019 WWW7777
LLL1111 2019 EEE8888

Validating the school years compares the list of school years for the lower level courses against the list of school years for the potentially equivalent courses:

Lower Level Course School Years Potentially Equivalent Course School Years
LLL1111 2017, 2018, 2019 EEE2222 2017, 2018, 2019
EEE3333 2017, 2018, 2019
WWW5555 2017, 2018, 2019
EEE6666 2019
WWW7777 2019
EEE8888 2017, 2018, 2019

Therefore, the validated list of WPC equivalent courses includes:

WPC Courses Equivalent Course
LLL1111 EEE2222
LLL1111 EEE3333
LLL1111 WWW5555
LLL1111 EEE8888