List Credential Exemptions

The List Credential Exemptions option is accessible via the navigation menu category as per the header navigation menu.

The List Credential Exemptions (based on the PASIprep List Items Template) will allow a PASIprep user or a School/Authority user to view a list of Credential Exemptions records.

This screen provides search functionality for users to see a list of Student Credential Exemptions:

  1. Authority
  2. School
  3. Last Updated On (Start):
  4. Last Updated On (End):
  5. Credential Requirement Set Type
  6. Exemption Reason
  7. Exemption Status

Secured By

To access this screen, the user must:

If the security requirements are not met, users will be denied access and will see an unexpected error instead, as defined in the PASIprep 2.0 UI Guidelines.

The search allows a user to search by a number of pieces of information to generate an overview of relevant credential exemptions.

Search Fields

The page uses the PASIprep List Items Template which includes the context bar. The context bar allows user to specify the criteria to find the relevant Student Credential Exemptions.

* denotes mandatory fields

Field NameDescriptionField Format
Authority For School users, defaults to the school’s authority and is not updateable. For Authority users, defaults to the user's school authority and is not updateable. For Ministry users, contains a list of all school authorities. Defaults to no value.
School For School users, defaults to the school and is not updateable. For Authority users, contains a list of the schools within the selected Authority. No default value. For Ministry users, contains a list of the schools within the selected Authority. Is empty if an Authority has not been selected. Defaults to no value.
Last Updated On (Start):*Defaults to the Current Date – 1 year.
Last Updated On (End)*Defaults to the Current Date.
Credential Requirement Set TypeA drop down allowing the user to limit the search results to students with a specific Credential Requirement Set types. Defaults to Blank
Exemption ReasonA drop down allowing the user to limit the search results to students with a specific Exemption Reason. Defaults to Blank
Exemption StatusA drop down allowing the user to limit the search results to students with a specific Exemption Status. Defaults to Blank

Clicking [Search] on the context bar triggers:

  • Form validation to ensure all required search criteria is entered and is in proper format
  • Once validation passes the data grid is updated with the list of Credential Exemption records that matches the search criteria entered

A Credential Exemption record will be returned for each record:

  • Unordered List Item that meets the combination of the criteria entered
  • that has any update activity for the date range specified.

Note: There could be more than 1 record per student.

Search Results - Data Grid Fields

The sort order of the grid is by Order Placed Date in descending order.

* denotes fields that are visible on the grid by default.

Select*Checkbox column to allow user to select the record for further actions. Only one record may be selected at a time.
View*View icon that links user to the View Credential Requirement page for the selected record.
Edit*View icon that links user to the Edit Credential Requirement Exemption page for the selected record.
ASN*Displays the Alberta Student Number for the student. Value displays as a hyperlink to the View Student – Summary page for the student.
Student Name*Displays the preferred name for the student, displayed in the format defined in the PASIprep UI Guidelines Checklist.
Last NameDisplays the surname for the student. This field hidden by default.
SuffixDisplays the Name Suffix name for the student. This field hidden by default.
First NameDisplays the given name for the student. This field hidden by default.
Middle NameDisplays the middle given name(s) for the student. This is field hidden by default.
Requirement*Displays the Credential Requirement for the credential.
Exemption Reason*Displays the Exemption Reason for the Credential.
Exemption Status*Displays the Exemption Status for the Credential.
Exemption Details*Displays any comments (up to 250 characters) that is used to provide any additional relevant information about the exemption.
Last Updated On*The last date the record was updated on. Value displays as a hyperlink to the View Credential Requirement – Audit History.

Grid Action Menu Item - [Remove]

Allows user to delete a credential exemption. The user must select a record in the grid first to use this function.

This button will not be visible if the user does not have the Permissions required to see manage functionalities on screen.

Processing for [Remove]

Clicking on the [REMOVE] button will delete the selected record. Only one Credential Exemption can be removed at a time.

If a record has not been selected before clicking on the [REMOVE] button a popup message box should be displayed informing the user they need to select a record first.

Clicking on the [REMOVE] button will trigger Google Analytics.

Additional Security for [Remove] Action

Not all users that have access to View Credential Requirement have the authority to update them. Validation Rule 40314 - Cannot Remove Exemption is used to validate the user has the appropriate permissions.

Grid Options

COLUMNSThe Columns option allows the user to adjust the columns that are visible in the grid.
EXPORT TO CSVThe Export to CSV option exports the data to file.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is implemented as per the PASIprep Analytics Guidelines with page views tracked.