Login to myPass

Part of F8991 (R7.11) - add alternate email to logic for email

Whenever an Education account user logs into myPass, this functionality performs the Email synchronization and cleanup to the Student, Parent/Guardian(s) and Authorized User records in PASI. This functionality determines all the myPass connections tied to the logged in Education account and updates the information in PASI.

This functionality (Stored Procedure SubmitEducationAccountEmail_upr) is initiated when the Education Account user successfully logs into myPass with their Education Account Credentials. This means, that this functionality is initiated:

  1. When the Education Account has successfully established a myPass connection to the Student information for the first time.
  2. Any subsequent successful login to myPass by the Education account user.

After the all the required updates are completed, the user is directed to the myPass Homepage.

Important Note: If any piece of information on the student is changed, the Student Status Processor Trigger are created to reevaluate the record.

Processing on the Student myPass Connection

When the myPass Connection Type = Student (myPass Connection Type), then the following activities are performed:

Email synchronization

This means that,

  • If this Primary email address from the Education account was not recorded for the Student in PASI then, it is added in PASI in the above state.
  • If the Primary email address from the Education account was already recorded for the Student in PASI then, the email address is updated to match above state.

Email Address(es) Cleanup

The following updates are performed:

Record Category Email? Cleanup Performed
Student Current Primary Student Email address

The following updates are performed against the Student Email Address:

  1. Validate that the Student Email Address for the Student is not recorded in the Invalid Student Email Address in a non-deleted State (i.e. Student Email Address Is Invalid = N), If yes, then then set Student Email Address Is Invalid = Y.
  2. Validate that the Student Email Address is not recorded for Other Students:
Other Email address(es) on the Student's Profile in PASI
  1. Besides the Current Primary Student Email Address, any other non-deleted email Addresses that are on the Student's profile in PASI are made inactive (i.e. Student Email Is Active = Y).
Parent/Guardian -

For each Parent/Guardian record associated to the student where the Parent/Guardian Email Address matches the active Student Email Address, then the Parent/Guardian Email Address is removed (i.e. set to NULL).

Authorized User -

For each Authorized User record associated to the student where the Email Address (Authorized User) matches the active Student Email Address, then Authorized User record is deleted (i.e. Is Deleted (Authorized User) = Y).

  • This also means, that if this Authorized User record had an associated myPass connection record, then this myPass connection record is also deleted.

Cell/Mobile number synchronization

Synchronization of the mobile phone number for a student is done by searching the active self-connection related to the Education account user that is logged in. For that self-connection, the associated PED phone number must be assessed to determine if the student mobile number in PASI requires an update.

The PED number will be compared against the existing phone numbers in PASI for the student. A matching phone number will be one where:

  • The PASI Phone Number field = the cleansed1)2)3) PED number
  • The PASI Extension field will be an empty string
  • Is Deleted = False

If no match is found, add the PED number to PASI as follows :

Data FieldValue
Reference ID (Student Phone Number)System Generated
Phone Number TypeMobile
Phone NumberThe number passed in from PED.
ExtensionEmpty String
Is Listable“Unknown”
Effective DateDate of synch/record creation in PASI
Expiry DateNull
Is PreferredFalse
Expired PreviousFalse
Audit User NameUser name from the Extranet Account of myPass user who logged in
Audit User OrganizationO.1

If the matching record is found, but is expired:

Data FieldValue
Reference ID (Student Phone Number)Existing value
Phone Number TypeExisting value
Phone NumberExisting value
ExtensionExisting value
Is ListableExisting value
Effective DateExisting value
Expiry DateNull
Is PreferredFalse
Expired PreviousFalse
Audit User NameUser name from the Extranet Account of myPass user who logged in
Audit User OrganizationO.1

Note: Where multiple expired records are found that match the number from PED, the record with the most recent Effective Date should be updated as described above.

If the matching record is found, and is not expired, no updates are required

Update the Last Access Date

Processing on the Parent/Guardian myPass Connection

For each myPass Connection Type = ParentGuardian (myPass Connection Type), the following activities are performed:

Email synchronization

Email Address(es) Cleanup

Cell/Mobile number synchronization

Synchronization of the mobile phone number for active Parent-Connections is done by searching for the Education account user that is logged in that matches the active parent/guardian tied to the connection. For each parent/guardian connection found, the associated PED phone number must be assessed to determine if a Parent/Guardian mobile phone number update is required in PASI.

The following logic is used to determine if an update is required, as follows (this will occur for each parent/guardian record for which the user has a parent/guardian connection):

  • If the mobile number specified in PED matches the mobile number on the parent/guardian record, no update required to the parent/guardian mobile number.
  • If the mobile number specified in PED does not match the mobile number on the Parent/Guardian record or the Parent/Guardian mobile number is blank, update the Parent/Guardian record to set the Mobile Number as the PED Number.

The request information to accomplish this is as follows:

Update the Last Access Date

Update the myPass Connection Last Access Date associated to the myPass connection to the current date.

Processing on the Authorized User myPass Connection

For each myPass Connection Type = AuthorizedUser (myPass Connection Type), the following activities are performed:

Email synchronization

Update the Last Access Date

Update the myPass Connection Last Access Date associated to the myPass connection to the current date.

Student Phone Number Audit Records

Since the Submit Phone Number and Submit Preferred Phone Number services are not being used for Synchronization, additional code is used to create the Student Phone Audit Records.

PASI will need to remove the “1” for North American mobile phone numbers
If the mobile phone number doesn’t start with a 1 then a ‘+’ sign is to be added to the front - this is how PASI store international numbers. E.g.. +85285298066651
All non-numeric fields have been removed - blanks, hyphens, and '()'