Submit Preferred Phone Number

Note: Prior to the 2018 endpoint, this service was referred to as Submit Student Preferred Phone Number.

This service is used to identify which Student Phone Number should be considered the Preferred Phone Number for a Student in the PASI Core. This identification does not mean it is the phone number that must be used, but a phone number that can be used in most situations.


This service can be accessed by systems with the Submit Student User role.

Request Information

The information provided as part of the request is a reference to the specific Student Phone Number that should be treated as the preferred phone number for the student.

Request Validations

Service Functionality

Once the information is successfully validated, the Preferred Phone Number will be recorded within the PASI Core.

Health Version Updates

The PASI Core Version (Student Health Version) for the student will be updated if the student is deemed to be an Independent Student and the submission changes which phone number record is identified as the student's Preferred Phone Number.

Elections Alberta Triggers

PASI will create/update the student’s Elections Alberta Trigger record if the submission changes which phone number record is identified as the student's Preferred Phone Number.

Validation Status Triggers

When the student's Preferred Phone Number is changed to reference a new Student Phone Number record, a Student Status Processor Trigger is created to trigger recalculation of the Validation Status for the Student.

Response Information

A response to a Submit Preferred Phone Number request identifies if the request was successfully applied.

If not successful, the response identifies which validation rules failed.