Submit Student Record Document Quality Assurance

The Submit Student Record Document Quality Assurance service is used to manage Student Document Quality Assurance information in PASI. This service can be used to:

  • Create a Quality Assurance record for a student document.
  • Enter a QA Review (Passed/Failed) result on a pending record.
    • Where the QA result fails, a problem record will be automatically created.
  • Update the QA Review information after the result had been previously entered.

This service can only be used to manage a single Student Document Quality Assurance record at the same time.


This service can be accessed by systems with the Submit Student Document User role.

Access is aligned based on the action being performed (Flag a Document for QA or Complete Quality Assurance) as outlined in the Student Document Quality Assurance Data Access Rules.

Request Information

The following information is provided when using this service (* denotes mandatory information):

Request Validations

Service Functionality

Once the request information has been validated the following will occur based on the conditions. Note: While a student document may have many problem records, only one problem record may be linked to a QA Review record.

Where the user passed in a status of “Pending”, a Student Document Quality Assurance record is to be created or updated with the following information:

Where the status of “Passed” is passed in, a Student Document Quality Assurance record is created or updated (as is appropriate) with the following information:

Where a status of “Failed” is passed in, a Student Document Quality Assurance record is created or updated (as is appropriate) with the following information:


The usage of this service is audited using Service Auditing including the auditing of Caller Information.

Response Information

The following information is returned after a successful request has been processed: