Edit External Credential

The Edit External Credential page allows a user to edit an existing External Credential. This screen uses the PASIprep Edit Item Template.

Secured By

The user must satisfy the data_access_rules for updating a record in order to access this screen.

Common Student Elements

Identifier Subtitle As described in the Page Title Header guideline.
Student Status Badges See Student Status Badges for full details on the status badges that can be displayed on a student record.

Actions Toolbox


Refer to the updating a record section of the Data Access page for security used to control access to this functionality.

Clicking [Save] performs the following:

  • Validate data is entered correctly (all required fields entered, values are in proper format, etc.)

When the form data passes validation:

When the form data does not pass validation:

  • the user will be returned back to the Edit External Credential page with any errors shown and the same values shown as when they did the SAVE.


The user will be returned back to the page they were on prior to this page as per the Navigation Between Bulk List of Items and Individual Item View guidelines.

Edit External Credential

Data Fields

* denotes mandatory data elements

Field NameDescription
Alberta Student NumberDisplays the ASN for the record being updated. This field is read-only when the record is being edited.
External Credential NameDisplays a dropdown list containing a list of all External Credential Names. This field is read-only when the record is being edited.
Awarding OrganizationDisplays a dropdown list containing a list of the Awarding Organizations for the External Credential Name selected. This field is read-only when the record is being edited.
Awarded Date*Displays the Awarded Date date field indicating when the External Credential was awarded or achieved. Cannot be future dated.

Google Analytics

Page view tracking as described in the PASIprep Analytics Guidelines.