The gender of the student as submitted as part of the Home Education Notification record.
Data Format | A valid Gender code value. |
This data element is used in the following business objects:
This data element is used in the following validation rules:
This data element is used in the following functionality:
Unless otherwise specified, this data element should adhere to the guidelines below.
When this data element is presented, it should be formatted using the short description of the Gender code value.
When this data element is displayed it should adhere to the following guidelines:
Field Name | Gender |
Null Values | N/A |
Hint Text | None |
Security Requirements | None |
When this data element is available to be edited, a Combo / Drop Down Control should be used as outlined below:
Field Name | Gender |
Mandatory? | Yes |
Style | Select |
Selection Values | Contains the following code values: |
Selection Sort Order | By code value sequence and then by short description |
Default Value | The existing value if available. Otherwise there is no default. |
Null Value | Blank |
Allow Multiple Values? | No |
Hint Text | None |
Security Requirements | None |
When this data element is displayed in a PASIprep Data Grid it should adhere to the following guidelines:
Column Heading | Gender |
Column Width | Auto |
Filtering Style | Set |
Contains | The formatted value of the data element. |
Null Values | N/A |
Column Security Requirements | This column is always available. |
Data Security Requirements | The data in this column is always available. |