Manage Sections

Sections are entered and managed within PASI via the PASIprep screens or the PASI Core services (for schools that are using an SIS).



Primary Scenario - Create Section

This scenario begins with a school or authority determining that a new section needs to be added for a particular school.

  1. User creates a section record for a school using the Add Section PASIprep page.
  2. PASIprep shows the user the newly created section using the View Section PASIprep page.
  3. User reviews the section.
  4. If desired, the user is now able to use the Manage Course Enrolments process to add course enrolments against the section.

This scenario ends with a new section being created.

Alternate Scenario #1 - Create Multiple Sections

This scenario starts after Step 3 of the Primary Scenario.

  1. User creates additional section by repeating steps 1 through 3 of the Primary Scenario.

This scenario ends when the user has completed creating all the sections.

Alternate Scenario #2 - Update a Section

This scenario starts after Step 3 of the Primary Scenario. The alternate scenario also covers when a user is wanting to edit a section that already exists.

  1. User has determined that they would like to update the section.
  2. User indicates to PASIprep that they would like to edit the section
  3. User makes updates to the section using the Edit Section PASIprep page.
  4. User returns to step 2 of the Primary Scenario

This scenario ends when the user has completed updating the section.

Alternate Scenario #3 - Work Items Generated for Section

This scenario begins after step 3 of the Primary Scenario where the course enrolment was created (oru updated based on Alt Scenario #2) and work items were generated for the record.

  1. Users addresses the work items for the section using the Manage Work Items business process.
  2. User returns to step 2 of the Primary Scenario.

This scenario ends when the user has addressed the work items on the section.

PASI Core Services