View School Enrolment

This screens allows user to view full details regarding a Student School Enrolment record.

The screen presents the data using the PASIprep View Item Template.

Secured By

Refer to Student School Enrolment Data Access Rules for the security used to control access to this functionality.

Common Student Elements

Identifier Subtitle As described in the Page Title Header guideline.
Student Status Badges See Student Status Badges for full details on the status badges that can be displayed on a student record.

Details Tab

The Details tab is the default tab for the page.

School Enrolment Work Item Card

School enrolment work item cards will appear at the top of the View School Enrolment screen if a work items exist for the selected record.

There is the possibility that when the screen is initially loaded a work item may be in an Out of Date status. The screen will allow up to 5 seconds for the status to become Up to Date before proceeding with loading the screen. If the status of the work item is Out of Date after the 5 second wait, the screen will display an Out of Date status message. Refer to Navigation Between Bulk List of Items and Individual Item View to review the Out of Date message.

Refer to Student School Enrolment Data Access Rules for rules around viewing and editing work items in PASIprep.

School Enrolment Identifier - Data Fields

Alberta Student NumberDisplays the Alberta Student Number associated with the school enrolment
School YearDisplays the School Year associated with the school enrolment
GradeDisplays the Grade (Student School Enrolment) associated with the school enrolment
Local Student IDDisplays the student identifier assigned to the student by the enrolling school
Deleted?Displays “Deleted” if the school enrolment has a Student School Enrolment Is Deleted = 'True'

School Information - Data Fields

School AuthorityDisplays the Authority name (incl. code) of the school enrolment, derived from the School (Student School Enrolment)
School NameDisplays the School name (incl. code) of the school enrolment, derived from the School (Student School Enrolment)
School CityDisplays the School City name of the school enrolment, derived from the School (Student School Enrolment)

Enrolment Information - Data Fields

Programming TypeDisplays the Programming Type (Student School Enrolment) of the Student School Enrolment.
Programming Timeframe Displays the Programming Timeframe (Student School Enrolment) of the Student School Enrolment.
Start DateDisplays the date when the Student School Enrolment starts (or started).
Exit DateDisplays the exit date when the Student School Enrolment ends (or ended).
Exit Date Type Displays the Exit Date Type of the Student School Enrolment.
Deleted?Displays the Student School Enrolment Is Deleted flag of the Student School Enrolment.

Other Information - Data Fields

Grant CodesDisplays the codes that identifies any funding grant codes for the enrolment, including the description of the codes.
School Provided Program PercentageThe percentage value of the school provided program portion of a blended program school enrolment.
Exception CodesDisplays the codes that identifies the exception reason related to the student’s school enrolment, including the description of the codes.
Enrolment TypeDisplays the enrolment type codes that apply to the student school enrolment, including the description of the codes.
FNMIDisplays the code that identifies a student's response at a school (if provided) to the standard FNMI Declaration, including the description of the code.
Refer to Student School Enrolment Data Access Rules for the security used to control access to this data element.
French hrsDisplays the total number of hours of French instruction the student will receive for the entire school year (including semestered programs).
Refer to Student School Enrolment Data Access Rules for the security used to control access to this data element.
Res BoardDisplays the school authority in which the student’s parent lives. An independent student can declare his or her own residency.

Action Menu Options

EditThe Edit action allows the user to modify a school enrolment.
See Edit School Enrolment for more information.
Refer to Student School Enrolment Data Access Rules for rules around when this action is available.
DeleteThe Delete action allows user to delete the school enrolment.
See Delete School Enrolment for more information.
Refer to Student School Enrolment Data Access Rules for rules around when this action is available.
UndeleteThe Undelete action allows user to undelete the school enrolment.
See Undelete School Enrolment for more information.
Refer to Student School Enrolment Data Access Rules for rules around when this action is available.
CloneThe Clone action allows the user to create a new school enrolment from an existing school enrolment.
See Add School Enrolment for more information.
Refer to Student School Enrolment Data Access Rules for rules around when this action is available.

Audit History Tab

This section contains a PASIprep Audit History Grid which lists all changes made to the Student School Enrolment record. This is derived from Student School Enrolment Audit Events.

Data Fields

All columns are visible by default. Columns related to Update information are also included as described in PASIprep Audit History Grid. A record is included for each revision of the record and are sorted by Updated On descending.

Updated OnDisplayed as per PASIprep Audit History Grid
ASNDisplays the Alberta Student Number associated with the school enrolment.
Local Student IDDisplays the Local Student ID used by the school and/or school authority for local purposes. This ID must be unique within each school.
GradeDisplays the Grade level recognized by Alberta Education.
Programming TypeDisplays the Programming Type (Student School Enrolment) of the Student School Enrolment.
Programming Timeframe Displays Programming Timeframe (Student School Enrolment) of the Student School Enrolment.
Reg. Start DateDisplays the Registration Start Date when the Student School Enrolment starts (or started).
Reg. Exit DateDisplays the Registration Exit Date when the Student School Enrolment ends (or ended).
Exit Date TypeDisplays the Exit Date Type of the Student School Enrolment.
Grant CodesDisplays the funding Grant Codes that apply to the school enrolment.
School Provided Program PercentageThe School Provided Program Percentage from the school enrolment.
Exception CodesDisplays the Exception Reason that apply to the school enrolment.
Enrol TypesDisplays the Enrolment Type Codes that apply to the student school enrolment.
FNMIDisplays the Code that identifies a student's response at a school (if provided) to the standard FNMI Declaration.
Fr HrsDisplays the total number of French Hours of Instruction the student will receive for the entire school year (including semestered programs).
Res BoardDisplays the School Authority in which the student’s parent lives. An independent student can declare his or her own residency.
Francophone BoardDisplays the School Authority code of the student’s resident francophone board.
Deleted?Displays Student School Enrolment Is Deleted flag of the Student School Enrolment.
School NameDisplays the School Name (incl. code) to which the student’s enrolment applies.
School YearDisplays the School Year to which the student’s enrolment applies.
Updated ByDisplayed as per PASIprep Audit History Grid
Updated By OrganizationDisplayed as per PASIprep Audit History Grid
Reference #Displays the unique Reference # for the record.