Create Credential Re-Print Order (Manual)

This process describes the credential reprint requests processed by Student Records received from Third Parties and Students when they are not connected on myPass, or when they chose not to order through myPass (e.g. to submit a request directly to Student Records for courier delivery).

Students who are applying to post-secondary institutes outside of Canada, or are applying for work in foreign consulates often require a reproduction of their credential, such as their High School Diploma for the other party. Students require the ability to receive these additional documents in a timely manner.

A student or a third party may also need to order reprints of a credential for other purposes, such as replacing a lost/damage credential, required on request from a lawyer, or to obtain the credential in a different language than the credential that was initially issued.


Primary Scenario #1 – Request Credential Reprint VIA myPass

This scenario begins when a requestor would like a credential reprint and has access to myPass.

This scenario ends when the Recipient receives the printed Credential (PDF) and Reprint Credential Letter (PDF).

Primary Scenario #2 - Manual Credential Reprint Request

This scenario begins where a requestor would like a credential reprint and does not have access to myPass.

  1. Requestor fills out the manual transcript request form.
  2. Requestor submits the completed form to Student Records for processing.
  3. Student Records receives the credential reprint form from the requestor.
  4. Student Records reviews the credential reprint request.
  5. Student Records locates the student in PASIprep.
  6. Student Record creates a Credential Reprint order using the Add Credential Reprint Order functionality.
  7. PASI processes the request via the Process Credential Order Items sub-process.
  8. PASI delivers the document to the recipient via the Deliver Document Order Item sub-process

This scenario ends when the Recipient receives the printed Credential (PDF) and Reprint Credential Letter (PDF).

Alternate Scenario #1 – Online Credential Reprint Request Requires Certification and Authentication

This scenario begins from step 1 of the Primary Scenario #1 where the requestor requires the printed document to be certified and authenticated.

  1. Requestor receives the Certification Instructions Reminder Message with certification and authentication instructions in the myPass Messages area after PED has sent the Certification Instructions Reminder Message notification.
  2. Requestor submits the certification and authentication requirements to Alberta Education for processing.
    1. Note: The details of the requirements and process are captured within the Certification Instructions Reminder Message details.

This scenario occurs along-side the processing of the document in the Primary Scenario and results in the printed document being delivered to the recipient with all certification and authentication processing completed.

Alternate Scenario #2 - Student did not Achieve the Requested Credential

This scenario begins after step 5 of Primary Scenario #2, where the student identified in the Credential reprint request did not achieve the requested credentials yet.

6. If the student did not achieve the credential yet, Student Records representative will inform that student that the request cannot be processed.

This scenario ends when the requestor receives the notification from Student Records either by phone call or email. In this scenario, Credential reprint order will not be successfully created.

Alternate Scenario #3 - Student achieved Credential but not Awarded

This scenario begins after step 5 of Primary Scenario #1, where the student identified in the Credential reprint request achieved the requested credentials, but it has not been awarded by the ministry. Since this is the initial awarding/ordering of the credential, this would be handled as the “First-Run” credential meaning that the Credential and Credential Letter would be sent out to the student directly using the active, preferred address on the student’s record.

6. Student Records may choose to award and orders the credential for the student as per the Manage Student Credential sub-process.

This scenario ends with the Student receiving their printed Credential (PDF) and First-Run Credential Letter (PDF).