View Personal Information

Part of F8991 (R7.11) - Email section - can display up to 2 email addresses

This functionality is available in both English and French. Please refer to French Translations page for the French text.

This overview provides information on the data presented to the user on the myPass' Personal Information view.

The Student Personal Information page shows data for the student selected in the Student Connection Selector; users can load information for a different student by selecting the appropriate student from the Student Connection Selector on the top left corner of the main content.


See the myPass Overview on what prerequisites are needed to view student information. This page is available in both Public and Admin modes.


Field Name Behavior / Description
Alberta Student Number The Student’s Alberta Student Number.
Preferred Name The Preferred Name of of the student. See Data Format Guidelines for more information.
Legal Name Student’s Legal Name which is the Current Identity Name. See Data Format Guidelines for more information.
Date of Birth The Student’s Birth Date. See Data Format Guidelines for more information.
Citizenship The Student’s current1) Student Citizenship
Independent Student?
  • Indicates if user is an independent student.
  • Contains an info icon contains a tooltip that explains what an Independent Student is.
  • This field is visible if myPass is in Admin Mode or the value is “Yes”.
Has Disclosure Restrictions?
  • Indicates if user has disclosure restrictions.
  • Contains an info icon contains a tooltip that explains what a disclosure restriction is.
  • This field is visible if myPass is in Admin Mode or the value is “Yes”.

Contact Information

Field Name

Behavior / Description
Mailing Address
  • If no Current Mailing Address record exist for the student, but has a mailing address record with the effective date in the future, then this address record is displayed with the following text:
    • (Effective {Effective date in the format DD MMM YYYY}) 2).

See Data Format Guidelines for multi-line address formatting.

Physical Address
    • If the Current Physical Address is a ATS Address the following information is displayed:
      • Label: Alberta Township System Address
      • Data:
        • Meridian
        • Range
        • Township
        • Section
        • Quarter Section
        • Legal Subdivision
  • If no Current Physical Address record exist for the student, but has a Physical address record with the effective date in the future, then this address record is displayed with the following text:
    • (Effective {Effective date in the format DD MMM YYYY}) 3).
    • If there is no Current Physical Address and has no future dated Physical Address record to display, but the student has a Current Mailing Address, then the following text is displayed:
      • Same as Mailing Address
    • If there is no address records to display (i.e. the Current Physical Address, Current Mailing Address or any future dated physical or mailing address record to display), Then the address record is displayed as blank.

Note: There is no Edit option available for the Physical Address. The student needs to contact the school to update their physical address details.

See Data Format Guidelines for multi-line address formatting.

Phone Number
  • If no preferred record exist for the student, then display the record with an effective date that is closest to the current date/most recently effective.
  • This field is blank if the student has no active or future-dated phone number.
  • Where the phone number displayed has a future effective date the text (Effective {Effective date in the format DD MMM YYYY}) will display beside the phone number.
  • If the student has an active/valid self-connection then show the email address from the student (there will only be one).
  • This field is blank if the student has no active self-connection.

If the user is the student then show a 2nd line of “Need to update this email? go here.”. Clicking on “here” will take the user to the PAS Account page with their information displayed based on the user information that they logged into myPass with.

Edit - Mailing Address / Phone Number

Mailing AddressPhone Number
Where the user selects to “Edit” the Student Mailing Address information, the Change Mailing Address page will display.Where the user selects to “Edit” the Student Phone Number information, the Change Phone Number page will display.

The “Edit” links will be available to users if they meet all of the following criteria:

  • The user has a “Self” student connection to the student or the user has PASIprep permission levels PASIprep Level 02 Permission - Modify Student and PASIprep Level 21 Permission - Access Student via myPass.
  • The student does not have a school enrolment with a status of “Active” in the current school year for school enrolments.
  • The student does not have a school enrolment with a status of “Registered” in the current or a future school year for school enrolments.
  • Student is 16 years or older

See Capturing Student's Email Address for information on how PASI could update the student's email address if they have an active connection.

Parent/Guardian Information

This section is only visible if there is one or more active (not ended, not deleted) Parent/Guardian on the student.

A row will appear in the section for each Parent/Guardian showing the following data attributes:

Information Panels

The panels to the right of the personal/contact information contains information on how the student data is used, and instructions on how to update student contact information.

If the user wants to update their information they can do so by visiting the Student Request Form - Link

Responsive Layout Behavior

On a smaller resolution, the layout is restructured to fit the width of the screen.

Google Analytics

Page view is tracked.

the record with the latest effective date
2) , 3)
Displayed below the address record