Register for a Diploma Exam

This overview provides details on the guided process that a user would go through to submit an Diploma Exam Registration Request with Diploma Exam Registration for a student on myPass.

Please refer to the Diploma Exam Registration Management conceptual overview for more information on how Diploma Exam Registration Request is used to manage registrations and its lifecycle.


See the myPass Overview on what pre-requisites are needed to view student information. This page is available in both Public and Admin modes.

See myPass Exam Registration Request Security Modes for more detail on public/admin access.

Common Components

Student Panel

A student panel is used in place of the Student Connection Selector to display the student that the user is creating the request for.

Request Timer Bar

A Request Timer bar appears below the Student Name Panel if there exist:

  • An Exam Registration Request saved in PASI that is created by the user, is not deleted, and does not have a status of Registered.
  • The Registration Request contains at least one registration that is not a Diploma Exam Late Registration.

The timer counts down to the Diploma Exam Registration Request Expiry Date/Time - see Expiry of Exam Registration Request on myPass for more information. As user scrolls down through the page, the timer bar will dock to the top of the browser to stay visible on screen at all times.

The timer counts down to the Request’s Expiry Date/Time (in minutes). User can renew the expiry by clicking on the I need more time link, which will extend the Diploma Exam Registration Request Expiry Date/Time (see the Diploma Exam Registration Management overview on how a request expiry date/time is renewed).

The timer will also renew automatically in the following cases:

Add Diploma Exam Registration Request - Public mode

A Public user may create a new Diploma Diploma Exam Registration Request for any student they have an active myPass Connections to. To submit a new request, the user will be guided through a series of screens to complete the process:



    1. Review My Request is also the screen to 'resume' a request (if user has left myPass before a request is completed, they can resume the request from this screen if it has not expired yet). PASI EPS2 Payment Reconciliation is also triggered on the Review My Request screen if needed.)

Add Diploma Exam Registration Request - Admin mode

An Admin (Manage) user may create a new Diploma Exam Registration Request for any student. To submit a new Diploma Exam Registration Request, the user will be guided through a series of screens to complete the process:


  • The flow and rules/behavior for Admin (Manage) users is the same as Public users, except payment information is manually entered in Admin mode, thus steps related to EPS2 are skipped.


    1. Review My Request is also the screen to 'resume' a request (if user has left myPass before a request is completed, they can resume the request from this screen if it has not expired yet).
  1. When an Admin user fills in all the required information and clicks [Proceed with Payment], the following message is presented to the user:
    1. “Administration Users are not allowed to submit Diploma Exam Registrations. Please cancel the order.”

Responsive Layout

For all steps in the Add Diploma Exam Registration Request process, if the user is using a small resolution display, the fields will wrap to fit all fields on screen: