The Student Information Access tab is a sub-section tab of the View Student screen.
It contains 3 grids including:
Any user that has access to the View Student page for the student in focus can access this tab.
Identifier Subtitle | As described in the Page Title Header guideline. |
Student Status Badges | See Student Status Badges for full details on the the status badges that can be displayed on a student record. |
The myPass Connection data grid displays connections associated to a student. The records in the grid are visible to the user based on the myPass Connection Data Access Rules.
When the user does not have access to view the student's myPass connections a message is displayed.
The default sort order is based on myPass Connection Type (User Type) sequence, and then the Connection Status sequence.
Rows with records for an Active myPass Connection are emphasize while those with records for an Expired myPass Connection are de-emphasized
Deleted records are displayed based on the PASIprep Business Object Grid UI Guidelines
The following actions can be performed to manage myPass connections. All actions use the Update myPass Connection service to update the record.
When selected, this action will submit a request to update the Suspended On element on the myPass connection record which will be set to the current date time.
This action is available when:
When clicked, the following validations are performed:
When selected, this action will submit a request to clear the ‘Suspended On’ element on the myPass connection record.
This action is available when:
When clicked, the following validations are performed:
When selected, this action will set the myPass Connection and associated Authorized User records to deleted.
This action is available when:
When clicked, the following validations are performed:
The grid uses the Get Detailed Academic Report External Access Audit services to show the organizations that has accessed the DAR when they had no association to the student (see Student Profile on more details regarding unassociated users accessing a student's DAR).
Entries in this table are not grouped; if an organization accesses the student's DAR more than once without association, they will appear more than once in the grid.
PASIprep users must have Access to the Student (Moved) AND the PASIprep Level 21 Permission - Access Student via myPass in order to access this page for the student.
The following data is presented in the table inside the “Special Requests for Information” section
Field | Description | Field Format | Data Security(Optional) |
Organization | This corresponds to the effective organization name tied to the audit record in the Student Access Request table. | String | None |
Date of Access |
This is date that the access was made; the assumption we’re making is that this field will never be updated. | LastUpdateUTC Date | None |
User | This displays the extranet user that request access to the DAR report. | Extranet/Firstname.Lastname | None |
This is a tab in the View Student screen to display the Student Record Access Requests for the student.
The Student Record Access Request History grid is sorted by Requested on Date in descending order.
The records returned on this screen are restricted by the student record access request data access rules.
PASIprep users must have Access to the Student (Moved) AND the PASIprep Level 45 Permission - View Student Documents in order to access this page for the student.
The Student Record Access Request History shows a list of Student Record Access Requests that are linked to the student's primary ASN.
The following information is available in this section of the screen:
Note: * denotes as fields that are displayed by default on the data grid.
Field | Description | Field Format | Data Security(Optional) |
![]() | Link to View Request (Alberta Student Link) | Icon | Available if the user has PASIprep Level 47 Permission - Manage Student Document Access Requests |
Requested On Date* | Requested On Date and Time | yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm AM/PM | None |
Requestor Organization* | Requestor Organization | string | None |
Requestor Name* | Requestor Name from request record entered by the requestor. | {Last Name}, {First Name} {Middle Name} | None |
Requestor Last Name | Requestor Last Name entered by the requestor. | string | None |
Requestor First Name | Requestor First Name entered by the requestor. | string | None |
Requestor Middle Name | Requestor Middle Name entered by the requestor. | string | None |
Request Status* | Alberta Student Link Request Status Note: 'Expired' Request Statuses indicate the request was 'Approved' at one time but has since expired and can no longer be downloaded. | string | None |
Request Status Date |
Displays the effective date of the current Request Status. | yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm AM/PM | None |
Last Alberta School Attended* | The Alberta school name and code that the student last attended (K to 12 Organization ID) as selected by the requestor. | School Name(S.nnnn) | None |
Last Alberta School Attended Code | The Alberta school code that the student last attended (K to 12 Organization ID) as selected by the requestor. | S.nnnn | None |
Last Alberta School Attended Name | The Alberta school name that the student last attended (K to 12 Organization ID) as selected by the requestor. | School Name | None |
Reference # | Unique Reference ID for the student record access request. | Integer | None |