The Get Student Audit Events (2018 End Point and Earlier) service is used to retrieve the list of audit events for a specific student record for 2018 End Point and Earlier. The audit events outline any change made to information about the student. This service returns same information as Get Student Audit Events except the Parent/Guardian information is different. Before returning the information, the service updates the Parent/Guardian information using data mapping as outlined in Service Functionality section below.
Only organizations associated to the student will be able to use this service to retrieve Student Audit Events.
Student Audit event records linked to deleted Information Disclosure Restrictions will never be returned unless the PASI Client has the Ministry Client User role.
The following information is provided when using this service:
The following rules are used to validate the information provided in the request:
The Parent/Guardian information will be updated using the following mapping and then returned by the service when it is called from 2018 End Point and Earlier:
Once the request is validated, the PASI Core collects and returns the student’s Audit Events with the following limitations:
The response to a successful Get Student Audit Events request will include the student’s Audit Events recorded in PASI Core. The Audit Events outline all changes made to the student’s information.
Student Audit Event records with a Audit Subject of SubmitStudentSyncStatus (Audit Subject) and SubmitStudentPreferredMailingAddress (Audit Subject) are excluded from the response to this service.
The following information is returned after a successful request has been processed: