Submit Medical Alert

The Submit Medical Alert service is used to manage Medical Alerts for a Student in the PASI Core. This service can be used to:

  • Add a new Medical Alert
  • Update an existing Medical Alert
  • Delete an existing Medical Alert


The service can be accessed by systems with the Submit Student User role and satisfy the Medical Alert Data Access Rules as follows:

  • To create a new record, the PASI Client must satisify the rules to Add a New Record1).
  • To update an existing record, the PASI Client must satisify the rules to Update a Record2).
  • To delete an existing record, the PASI Client must satisify the rules to Delete a Record3).

Request Information

The following information is provided when using this service (* denotes mandatory information):

Request Validations

Service Functionality

Once the request information has been successfully validated, the information will be recorded within the PASI Core along with a corresponding:

Response Information

A successful response to this service will identify if the request was successfully applied. If not successful, the response identifies which validation rules failed.