Transitory Records Processor

The Transitory Records Processor runs on PASI start up and physically deletes a specific subset of transitory records from the PASI database. It also performs functions to set records up for deletion. Below is the list of what the Transitory Records Processor does:

  • Physically deletes Document Submission records with an Uploaded Date/Time more than 365 days in the past.
  • Creates and confirms the Document Disposal Request record for document records that have been logically deleted by a user for more than 30 days. The number of days to wait after the record has been logically deleted is configurable per environment. Hence, test environments may have a different number of days to wait (e.g. 1 day).
  • Creates the Document Disposal Request record for documents that are nearing the end of their retention period. It looks for records with a Disposal Date up to 60 days in the future and creates the corresponding Document Disposal Request record. These records are then manually confirmed by a user in PASIprep.
  • Physically deletes document records (PASI metadata record and document file) that have a confirmed Document Disposal Request record.

The rest of PASI records are physically deleted using the Physical Delete Processor.

Information Consumed

The Transitory Records Processor uses the following information to do its processing:

Processing Rules

The following type of records will be considered transitory and will be physically deleted from the PASI database.

Document Submissions

Document Submission records with an Document Submission Uploaded Date and Time more than 365 days in the past, qualify for disposal. For each Document Submission record, the Transitory Record Processor will physically delete the Document Submission record and all associated records including:

Deleted Student Documents

Student Document records that have been logically deleted more than 30 days in the past qualify for disposal. For each Student Document record, the Transitory Record Processor will:

Student Documents Past Their Disposal Date

Student Document records associated to a Student Document Disposal Audit Event with a Confirmed On Date date/time populated also qualify for disposal. For each of these Student Document records, the Transitory Record Processor will: