This screen (based on the PASIprep List Items Template) allows an authorized DOD user to view a list of Digital Official Document records.
Users must be authenticated in PAS with an Education Account. The domain of the primary email address attached to the user’s Education account must belong to the same domain as the digital official document consumer’s Official Document Link Email Address.
If the security requirements are not met, user will be denied access and be directed to the Access Denied/Forbidden page instead.
When authenticated users attempt to access the application but the user’s email address domain does not match the domain on the digital official document consumer’s Official Document Link Email Address then the user will be directed to the 'Access Denied page (403).
Unauthenticated users will always be redirected to authenticate through PED.
Invalid links (links that would otherwise direct the user to the DOD application) direct the users to the 404 page (e.g. modified URLs).
This screen (based on the PASIprep Error Page Template) displays to users that access an expired DOD link where the user is authenticated in PAS with an Education Account.
The following message is displayed to the user: “The page you have requested does not exist. This can be caused by using a bookmark that refers to a page that no longer exists, or you are trying to access the application with an incorrect URL.”
The data grid lists all document order items which:
Records that are in an Expired status are deemphasized within the grid.
When the user selects one or more records from the grid and selects the 'Download Selected' grid action, this initiates a download of all selected Digital Official Document PDF files.
A user must have selected at least one record to use the 'Download Selected' action.
In alignment with clicking the [DOWNLOAD] icon for a single record, selecting one or more records and the “Download Selected” grid action does the following:
Two filtering options are included above the data grid on the screen to adjust the data visible within the data grid. The filter options are “Ready for Download” and “All Documents”.
The following columns are available within the data grid:
The data in the grid is updated to be sorted based on:
Where the user performs a bulk download, an output file is produced and made available to the consumer with the downloaded file highlighting a summary of each record that was not successfully downloaded due to errors that occur as part of the bulk download.
This file includes the following information from the official document: