Table of Contents

High School Transcript (PDF Specification)

This will be updated in Release 8.00 (F9976)

The High School Transcript is an official document produced by Alberta Education that summarizes a Student's high school achievements.

The High School Transcript is produced by the Transcript Processing Agent into a PDF format. The layout differs slightly based on the requested document language (English or French) and if the school information is to be included within the content, as defined on the document order item. This leads to four different layouts as follows:

  • English with School Information
  • English without School Information
  • French with School Information
  • French without School Information

The transcript that goes to the recipient is generated in multiple stages:

  1. Standard Transcript Content: The main content of the document is created and is stored in PASI.
  2. Standard Transcript With Overlay: That main content is then extended to include other finishing touches1) based on how the document is being delivered and the recipient type. These additional items are applied “overlays” .
    1. The transcript document may be delivered in a number of formats:
      1. Printed on official Transcript security paper and delivered manually via mail or courier
      2. Delivered electronically as an official document
      3. Viewed online as an unofficial document
    2. Refer to transcript_overlays for details

Standard Transcript Content

The standard transcript content is saved as a PDF document by PASI and will be accompanied by another version of that transcript that includes the overlay details specific to the document order item details.

This section describes the placement of the labels and content on the basic PASI transcript PDF, which is the base transcript file that each transcript order has generated and stored. From this base document, additional “overlays” are applied based on the Intended Purpose for that transcript (e.g., official printing, unofficial viewing, digital official viewing).

Labels, such as column headers, on the document are produced in either English or French based on the language specified on the document order item.

Section Order

The sections within a transcript are ordered as follows:

Where a transcript section does not contain any data, that section will be hidden on the transcript with the following exceptions:

Header - Identification (All Pages)

The first area is the identification area in the page header which will be repeated on each page. Sample:

Page Number

  • English Field Label: None
  • French Field Label: None
  • English Value: “Page X of Y
  • French Value: “Page X de Y

The page number is calculated and appears in the first line of each page. No field label is included for this field. The “Page X of Y” value is right justified in the header2).


  • English Field Label: None
  • French Field Label: None
  • English Value: “Alberta Transcript of High School Achievement”
  • French Value: “Relevé de notes d’études secondaires de l’Alberta”

The second line of the document contains the document title in right justified, boldface font.


This includes both the legal Last Name and the legal Name Suffix, if one exists, on the Student’s Legal Name record.

  • English Field Label: Surname
  • French Field Label: Nom de famille

The following rules are applied if the combined Last Name and Name Suffix names exceed the available print space:

  • Combined names exceed available print space. Surname can fit on a single line.
    • Display surname only
  • Combined names exceed available print space. Surname cannot fit on a single line.
    • Truncate the name as required to fit in the printable area

Given Name(s)

This represents the First Name and Middle Name values of the Student’s Legal Name. It is formatted as First Name followed by a single space then Middle Name.

  • English Field Label: Given Name(s)
  • French Field Label: Prénom(s)

The following rules are applied if the combined names exceed the available print space:

  • Combined names exceed available print space. Each separate name (First Name, Middle Name) can fit on a single line.
    • Break the name into two segments, with the first name being in the first row and the middle name being in the following row.
  • Combined names exceed available print space. One of the two separate name fields (First Name, Middle Name) cannot fit on a single line.
    • Combine the names into a single field and then break the name into two segments such that each name can fit on a single line.
  • Combined names exceed available print space. One of the two separate name fields (First Name, Middle Name) cannot fit on a single line and there is no logical way to break up the names for printing.
    • Truncate the name as required to fit in the printable area, giving priority to the value in the First name field.

Alberta Student Number

This is the Alberta Student Number of the student. This is formatted as 9999-9999-9.

  • English Field Label: Alberta Student Number
  • French Field Label: Numéro d’apprenant de l’Alberta

Birth Date

This is the date of birth of the student.

  • English Field Label: Date of Birth
  • French Field Label: Date de naissance
  • For English this is formatted in Month dd, yyyy format.
  • For the French transcript, the format of the Birth Date is: Le dd month yyyy.
  • The month follows the date. No comma. Uses Windows Long Date format.
  • All date values must be updated to be preceded by “le”:
    • The “Le” is uppercase in this instance.
      • French example: Le 15 septembre 1997
  • French Date format where date is 1st of any month
    • The “er” must be displayed as a superscript
    • Example: Le 1er mai 2010
  • French Date format for all date values falling within days 2-9 of any month
  • No ‘0’ should be included in front of the date:
  • Example: Le 6 mai 1995

Header Information – First Page Only

This section appears on the first page only and contains the recipient, delivery address (optionally) and credential information. For each subsequent page, this section is omitted.


The recipient information from the document order item is displayed here.

  • English Field Label: None
  • French Field Label: None

Where the recipient is to receive the document through printing and manual delivery, this displays the recipient information. Where the recipient is a digital transcript consumer, this displays the Digital Official Document Consumer Name. Where the recipient is an APAS consumer, this displays the ApplyAlberta PSI name.

Delivery Address

Displays the Formatted Mailing Address based on the Recipient Address Details.

  • English Field Label: None
  • French Field Label: None

The address of the destination that the transcript will be sent to may be one of:

  • an address of an institution,
  • one of the student’s addresses, or
  • a third party address supplied through the ordering process as a one-time destination.
Format Details

For mailing, the document has the mailing address laid out to fit within the envelope window, which is described in the PASI Data Format Guidelines.

  • The entire printable address is surrounded by a “no print zone”.
  • The “no print zone” is a minimum of one blank line above and below and ¼ “, on either side of the address printable area.
  • The intention of the “no print zone” is to ensure that no confidential information is visible through the window of the envelope, should the paper shift within the envelope.
  • Font size used for the mail address label is a minimum of 10 point per Canada post standards.

Only “non-blank” lines are included where displaying {Recipient Address Lines}.

ElementSource Business ObjectSource Attribute
Delivery AddressOrder ItemFormatted Mailing Address based on the Recipient Address Details

Total High School Credits

This is the total number of awarded high school credits and displays as a separate “Total High School Credits” section on the right side of the page. This value is a calculated field as the sum of the student's Awarded Credits from their Official Marks.

  • English Field Label: Total High School Credits
  • French Field Label: Nombre total de crédits d’études secondaires

Credential Section

The Credential section appears below the Total High School Credits section.

Credential (field)

  • English Field Label: Credential
  • French Field Label: Attestation
  • English Value: Displays the English Short Description of the highest order Credential type the student has achieved or has been awarded through Alberta Education. Where no credential has been achieved or awarded to the student OR if the only credential is an Honorary Diploma, displays a value of “None”.
  • French Value: Displays the French Short Description of the highest order Credential the student has achieved or has been awarded through Alberta Education. Where no credential has been achieved or awarded to the student OR if the only credential is an Honorary Diploma, displays a value of “Aucune”.

This value is left justified along the right side of the screen.


  • Awarded credentials take priority over achieved credentials.
  • Where an awarded credential has been deleted, the awarding information will not be displayed.
    • Where a credential is Achieved and the awarded version has been deleted, the record should be returned as achieved on all versions of the transcript document.
    • Where a credential is In Progress and the awarded version has been deleted, the record should not be returned on any versions of the transcript document.
  • The student’s credential information will only be included on the transcript in certain scenarios:
Credential Number Awarded?Credential Requirement Achievement StatusDisplay on Transcript?
Not AwardedAwardedAwarded, but DeletedNot AchievedAchievedNot AssessingCalculation OutstandingTo Be Assessed

To select the student credential to display on the transcript when a student has more than one achieved or awarded credential, the PASI Transcript Processing Agent completes the following:

  1. Find all credentials for the student and sort by:
    1. Credential Progress Status = Awarded (Credential Progress) first, then Credential Requirement Set Achievement Status = Achieved (Requirement Achievement)
      1. For “Awarded” credentials, find the StudentCredentialAwarded for the student and credential where the credential number is an Active Credential Number.
        1. This table uses a shadow table for history so only one record exists in the table and provides the current status of the record (represents the Active Credential Number), identifying if the credential has been awarded or not.
      2. For “Achieved” credentials, find the most recent achievement status for the student StudentCredentialAchievedCalculation.
        1. This table is used to track changes in credential achievement and the most recent row for a given student credential achievement record provides the current achievement status.
    2. Higher Order
      1. by CredentialAwardingOrder.AwardingSequenceNumber order (descending)
    3. Awarded School Year
      1. (if needed) by School Year (Awarded Student Credential) (StudentCredentialAwarded.SchoolYear descending)
  2. From that sorted list, the first credential is selected to display on the transcript.

Credential Year

This is the school year that the credential has been awarded (awarded school year) or achieved (current school year) and corresponds to the credential name that is being displayed.

  • English Field Label: Year
  • French Field Label: Année

For spacing purposes, this is formatted as XX/YY, where XX is the last two digits of the starting school year and YY is the last two digits of the ending school year. (eg. 13/14 represents 2013/2014 school year.) Year label and data is right aligned within the Credential section.

Coursework in Alberta Accredited Schools

This group displays courses where the student has done work in an accredited Alberta High School. It includes marks associated with a course enrolment and marks associated with evaluated marks for Course Challenges and Junior High. The marks must be approved.

  • English Section Label: “Coursework in Alberta Accredited Schools”
  • French Section Label: “Cours suivis dans des écoles agréées en Alberta”

Section Information

The following describes the Course Information section components.

Sort Order / Groupings

The course information section is sorted by:

For each group of courses within the Subject or Occupational Area & Level, apply the following sort rules:

  • Sort by Year (Chronological Ascending)
  • Where two or more records have the same year, sort by Term. Chronological Ascending, using the following mapping (where xxxx/yyyy is the year as shown in Year):
Course TermDate to use for chronological sorting
Semester 109-xxxx
Semester 2 01-yyyy
Quarter 109-xxxx
Quarter 211-xxxx
Quarter 301-yyyy
Quarter 403-yyyy
Full Year09-xxxx
Summer 08-yyyy
June 06-yyyy

Where two or more courses have the same Year and Course Term, sort by Course Code alphanumerical, then ascending.

General Layout

  • Column titles do not have periods in any abbreviations
  • There is space between columns to allow for easy viewing. Multi-line titles break between words.
  • Alignment of column titles as follows:
    • if column data is centered, center column title
    • if column data is left aligned, left align column title
    • if column data is left aligned and indented, left align column title and indent
    • if column data is right aligned, right align column title
  • When displaying superscripts next to the ”-“ (long hyphen) indicator for missing mark scenarios, the superscript is separated from the long dash line for readability.

Subject / Occupational Area – Level

This is the subject that the course is associated with. This level of grouping will be shown on the document as text within a shaded header grouping. The shading is distinct from the Section Column Headers. The text is left justified.

Each course offered by Alberta Education is categorized by a single subject. The Course Subject may be described in the English or French language, depending on the (transcript) language. The Subject Code relating to each group of courses is displayed as an individual line above the courses related to it. The individual subject values become the “heading” for the grouping of courses.

For example, “Language Arts” is the subject for these courses:

Courses that do not have a Course Evaluation Method of GED (Course Evaluation Method) are presented in the following order based on their Subject Code:

  • LAN Languages
  • SSS Social Studies
  • MAT Mathematics
  • SCI Sciences
  • PDE Personal Development
  • OLA Other Language Arts
  • OLC Other Languages and Cultures
  • FAR Fine Arts
  • CTS Career and Technology Studies
  • CTA Career and Technology Studies (Apprenticeship)
  • CTD Career and Technology Studies (Dual Credit)
  • SSC Social Sciences
  • OFF Off-campus Education
  • GRE Off-campus Education (Green Certificate)
  • RAP Off-campus Education (Registered Apprenticeship)
  • IOP Integrated Occupational Program
  • OTH Other
  • EXT External Learning
  • Any Courses to be included that are not within one of the Subjects above will be included alphabetically at the end of the list.

Courses that are associated with a defined Occupational Area and Instruction Level will be further organized under a sub-heading in the format “Occupational Area – Level”

  • A separate sub-heading and course grouping is included for each unique combination of course codes.
  • Subheadings will be sorted alphabetically by Occupational Area, and then by Instruction Level (Introductory, Intermediate, then Advanced).
  • Courses within a subject that do not contain both an Occupational Area and Instruction Level will be included directly below the subject heading, before any subheadings.

General Education Development (GED) Tests

Courses with a Course Evaluation Method of GED (Course Evaluation Method) will appear at the end of the list in under their own heading.

This is a special sub-group that will contain all the GED related Official Marks and Course Activities.

  • English Section Label: General Education Development Tests
  • French Section Label: Cours d’équivalence d’études secondaires (GED)

The courses, GED9981 – GED9985 will not appear in their Course Area of Study that it applies to. For example GED9981 will not appear within the Language Arts grouping.


This is the unique seven character code representing the course.

  • English Column Label: Course
  • French Column Label: Cours
If Official Mark Contains (A):To Display on Transcript as Course Code (B):

Where a student has an official mark record only for a course code in the Course A listing, then the mapping above is to be used. (E.g., if the student received credit for ELA3900, the transcript would display that record's official mark information with a course code of ELA3100 rather than ELA 3900)

Where a student has an official mark record for each of the equivalent courses listed in columns A and B, a record is to be included for each course code and no mapping should be used. (E.g., if the student received credit for both ELA3900 and ELA3100, those two records would both be visible on the transcript with their true course codes)

These mapped values that are included on the PASI Transcript XML also display similarly on the various resulting versions of the transcript (PESC XML, Printable Official PDF, Unofficial PDF, Digital Official PDF).

Course Description

A full course description contains the current (or historical) English or French name for a course based on the language of the transcript.


  • Wrapped when length is longer than the available printable column size.
  • Preference for Full name field (255 characters). If empty short name used (30 characters).
  • left justified


This is the School Year from the Official Mark. When there is no official mark, the school year from the selected record will be shown. (ie. The school mark or the exam mark). Records without an official mark will have one or the other mark present.

  • English Column Label: Year
  • French Column Label: Année

Formatting English:

  • The format is XX/YY, where XX is the last two digits of the starting school year and YY is the last two digits of the ending school year. (eg. 13/14 represents 2013/2014 school year.) Content is centered under column header.


  • The format is XX-YY.


This is the description of the school term in which the activity is attributed to. It represents the most recent selected record contributing to the official mark. This is either the school mark or exam session depending on the contributing selected marks included in the official mark.

  • English Column Label: Term
  • French Column Label: Période scolaire

Layout: The content is centered under the column header. French Education Services requires that the ‘er’ and ‘e’ display as superscript on the French transcripts that have “semestre” (Term) values of “1er semestre” or 2e semestre ”.

Term CodeDisplayed As (French)
1er semestre1er semestre
2e semestre2e semestre


  • Pick the section term or exam period from the selected mark that has the same school year as the official mark school year.
    • If we do not have an official mark, or we do not have a course enrolment (ie. Mature exams or Evaluations) use the exam period or month of the evaluation.
    • If there are no selected marks for an official mark, use “09-xxxx”.
    • If there are multiple selected records with the same school year as the official mark, select the most current section term or exam period.
      • Compare the Course Enrolment Section Term with the Exam Period. If the Exam Period is Greater than the mapped Month, use the Exam Period, otherwise use the Course Enrolment.
      • NOTE: Since Continuous is mapped to September, we are considering any exam period to be more recent (when school years are the same). This is for consideration of anytime schooling.
      • If the section term (course enrolment) and period (exam) are the same, select the term.
    • To select the most current section term or period, we need to use the following mapping:
Section Term (Course Enrolment)Month
Semester 1January
Semester 2June
Quarter 1November
Quarter 2January
Quarter 3April
Quarter 4June
Full YearJune
Continuous September (of xxxx year)

Example: Diploma Course has two records associated to the Official Mark:

  • Course Enrolment with Section Term of Quarter 1 (maps to November for comparison)
  • Exam Mark with Exam Period of June
  • June is greater than November so the Official Mark would have a Term of June

Additional Notes: If using the Exam Sitting, the Session must be derived based on the month found in the Writing date. This displays the full name of the month corresponding to the month in the writing date. (01 = January, 02 = Februrary, 03 = March, etc.)

ElementSource Business ObjectSource Attribute
Course TermCourse EnrolmentSection Term
Exam Mark

Diploma: ExamPeriod OR
GED: ExamSitting OR
ScheduledDtoTime OR
Month (local)

Evaluated MarkEvaluation Date Month

School Code

This is an optional column and will appear when the student agrees to include school information3) on the transcript order. The content is centered under the column header.

  • English Column Label: School Code
  • French Column Label: Code école

When this column does not appear (where the document order item specified that school information should not be included), there is no visible indication that it is missing (i.e. There is no pronounceable space visible when the column is removed).

The school code reflected here is associated with the school mark4) displayed on the Transcript. If the transcript order has Provided Consent for School Release, it is still possible to not have a value for the school code on a particular course information detail line (if for example, there is no school mark). In that case there would be no value but there would still be a column for school codes.

The following scenarios describe situations where a school code would not be available:

  • Mature exam writer where the diploma exam mark is 100% of the official mark
  • Missing school mark for a non-mature when a student has only written the diploma exam for a diploma course
  • GED official marks
  • Official Marks for Full Exemptions which are calculated with no link to the School Mark. (Official Mark is calculated as 100% of the Full Exemption Exam Mark provided)

School Code is shown without the prefix of “S.”

Instructional Language (Inst Lang)

This is the language the course was instructed in (from the Instructional Language on the section tied to the [Course Enrolment]]). The content is left justified.

  • English Column Label: Instructional Language
  • French Column Label: Inst Lang|Langue cours

School Mark

This represents the best mark that is awarded to a student for a course and represents either a course enrolment mark or one of a specific subset of evaluated marks. This is right justified.

  • English Column Label: School Mark
  • French Column Label: Note école

Exam Language (Exam Lang)

This is the language the exam was written in. The content is centered under the column header.

  • English Column Label: Exam Lang
  • French Column Label: Langue examen

Exam Mark

The best exam mark received by the student in the course. This is right justified.

  • English Column Label: Exam Mark
  • French Column Label: Note examen


The credits awarded to a student for a specific course and attributed to the official mark. The contents of this column are right justified.

  • English Column Label: Credits
  • French Column Label: Crédits

Notes which reference the Credits Awarded, are placed as superscripts next to the rightmost character of the Credits Awarded, with a space between the rightmost character and the superscript.

Official Mark

The mark value for the official mark awarded to the student in the course, by the ministry. The contents of this column are right justified.

  • English Column Label: Official Mark
  • French Column Label: Notes officielle

Notes which reference the Official Mark, are placed as superscripts next to the rightmost character of the Official Mark, with a space between the rightmost character and the superscript.


This is a subsection which contains a list of applicable notes as noted in the Official Mark, Exam Marks and/or Credit columns when a condition exists that requires additional explanation. A superscript is anchored to a value and is used to reference the occurrence to the message.

  • English Field Label: Notes
  • French Field Label: Remarques


  • Subsection appears at the end of the Coursework in Alberta Accredited Schools section.
  • A blank line separates this subsection from the coursework details.
  • The transcript only contains notes for the marks represented in the document appearing in the document.
  • Duplicates are suppressed.
  • Notes are sorted numerically in ascending order.

If the Official Mark value that the note indicator is anchored to is null (like in the case for a missing official mark), a long hyphen is inserted, in replacement of the null field, and it is used to anchor the superscript.

The following conditions are represented as notes:

  • Course Equivalency
  • Course Challenge Equivalency
  • Dual Enrolment Opportunity
  • Exam Exemptions
  • Missing Mark
  • Diploma Official Mark without Selected Marks (Historical Conversion)

Course Equivalency

When the student did not receive credit for a course because the student already received credit for an equivalent course the transcript will include a note and indicator that represents the reference to the equivalent course where credit was granted.

This refers to the Message Type: CourseEquivalency (Document Footnote).

  • English Message: “{CourseCode}: {CourseDescription} was not awarded credit as credit was already awarded for equivalent course {EquivCourseCode}: {EquivCourseDescription}.
    • Where {CourseCode} and {CourseDescription} are placeholders for the course that the note is attached to and {EquivCourseCode} and {EquivCourseDescription} are placeholders for the equivalent course where the credit was previously awarded.
    • This note has a dynamic pair of course codes/course descriptions within the messaging. (see Section Equivalency Course Code).
    • NOTE: When the sentence breaks over > 1 line, the colons in the course equivalency note will never be the first character of a new line. They will always stick with the word on the previous line or the entire last word from the previous line and the colon will move to the next new line together.
  • French Message: “{CourseCode} : {CourseDescription} n’affiche aucun crédit car des crédits ont déjà été attribués pour le cours equivalent {EquivCourseCode} : {EquivCourseDescription}.
    • For French, the separating colon should not begin a line due to a line break.
  • Indicator: Shown as a superscript referencing a note when condition is true and appears anchored to the value within the Credits column

Equivalency Example:

Equivalency Course Code

This is the course code that represents the course that credit was previously awarded for. It is equivalent to the displayed course code. To determine this, the system looks at the Course Relationships for the course.

Equivalency Course Description

This is the course description that represents the course that credit was previously awarded for. It is equivalent to the displayed course description. To determine this, the system looks at the Course Relationships for the course.

Course Challenge Equivalency

When the student did not receive credit when challenging course because the student already received credit for an equivalent course the transcript will include a note and indicator that represents the reference to the equivalent course where credit was granted. This note has a dynamic pair of course codes/course descriptions within the messaging. (see Section Equivalency Course Code). This refers to Message Type: CourseChallengeEquivalency (Document Footnote).

  • English Message:“{CourseCode}: This {CourseDescription} course challenge was not awarded credit as credit was already awarded for equivalent course {EquivCourseCode}: {EquivCourseDescription}
    • Where {CourseCode} and {CourseDescription} are placeholders for the challenged course that the note is attached to and {EquivCourseCode} and {EquivCourseDescription} are placeholders for the equivalent course where the credit was previously awarded.
    • NOTE: When the sentence breaks over > 1 line, the colons in the course challenge equivalency note will never be the first character of a new line. They will always stick with the word on the previous line or the entire last word from the previous line and the colon will move to the next new line together.
  • French Message5)): “{CourseCode}: Ce défi du cours {CourseDescription} ne résulte en l’obtention d’aucun crédit car des crédits ont déjà été attribués pour le cours équivalent {EquivCourseCode}: {EquivCourseDescription}.
    • For French, the separating colon should not begin a line due to a line break.
  • Indicator:Shown as a superscript referencing a note when condition is true and appears anchored to the value within the Credits column.

Dual Enrolment Opportunity

This condition describes when the student participated in a dual credit opportunity6) with a post-secondary institute for the course enrolment and received credit at both the high school and post-secondary level.

This refers to Message Type: DualEnrolment (Document Footnote).

  • English Message: “This dual credit course was taken in partnership with {PSIInstitution} ({Coursecode} {CourseName}).
  • French Message: “Ce cours de crédits à double reconnaissance a été suivi en partenariat avec {PSIInstitution} ({Coursecode} {CourseName}).
  • Indicator: Appears anchored to official mark column when a selected school mark with Is Dual Enrolment indicator is used to generate the official mark
    • Does not appear if the selected school mark is not a dual enrolment.
    • For example, If the student originally, took the course with the Is Dual Enrolment Indicator = Y, but then took it again to improve their mark and that attempt has Is Dual Enrolment = N (and since they improved their mark, this course record became the selected mark record), then the indicator would not be reflected on the transcript.

Dual Credit Example:

Exam Exemption

This condition describes when the student received a full or partial exemption for the diploma exam (determined via Exam Mark's Diploma Exam Mark Status). The same message is used for both exemption status types, however the appearance of the coursework details differ. This refers to Message Type: ExamExemptions (Document Footnote).

  • English Message: “Alberta Education has granted an exemption for all or part of the diploma exam for this course.
  • French Message: “Alberta Education a accordé une exemption partielle ou totale de l’examen en vue du diplôme pour ce cours.
  • Indicator: Appears anchored to official mark column
Full Exemption

For a full exemption, assessment sends an exam mark which is based on their current school mark, and this mark is used as 100% of the official mark (no blending) by the official mark calculator.

In this scenario, the following will appear:

  • The student’s best exam mark will appear in the Exam Mark Value column. If the only Exam Mark Value is a Full Exemption, the column will be blank.
  • The student’s best school mark will appear in the School Mark Value column.

Full Exemption Example:

Partial Exemption

Partial Exemption Example:

Missing Mark

The following describes the note that is produced when a diploma course does not have both a school and exam mark and they are both required. This refers to Document Footnote: MissingMark (Document Footnote).

  • English Message: “Both school and exam marks are required to receive an official mark in a diploma course.
  • French Message: “L’obtention d’une note officielle à un cours ayant un examen en vue du diplôme nécessite la note accordée par l’école ainsi que la note reçue à l’examen.
  • Indicator: I believe that it is anchored to the official mark?

The scenario is defined through the use of the code relationship between Document Footnote and Mark Calculation Method; the scenario is true, and the note appears, if the Official Mark’s Mark Calculation Method matches one of the following:

Diploma Official Mark without Selected Marks (Historical Conversion)

The following describes the note that is produced when, in rare data conditions, during data conversion of historical records the selected marks could not be linked directly to the Official mark. This results in transcript that has an official mark but no selected marks shown, and is confusing to the document recipient because normally a mark value exists in the school mark and/or exam mark columns to support the Official Mark value.

This refers to Document Footnote: MissingSelectedMark.

The scenario is defined through the use of the code relationship between Document Footnote and Mark Calculation Method; the scenario is true, and the note appears, if the Official Mark’s Mark Calculation Method matches one of the following:

  • English Message: “A School and/or Exam mark cannot be referenced due to conversion of historical mark information.
  • French Message: “Il n’existe aucune référence à la note d’école et/ou d’examen en raison de la conversion des données historiques relatives aux notes de l’élève.
  • Indicator: I believe that it is anchored to the official mark?


This section will follow the Coursework in Alberta Accredited Schools section. This is an optional section and will only occur if the transcript contains school information or contains marks that would require the Mark Legend.

  • English Section Label: Legend
  • French Section Label: Légende


Alberta Accredited Schools

This is an optional subsection of the Legend section, and will only occur if the transcript contains school information.

  • English Section Label: Alberta Accredited Schools
  • French Section Label: Écoles agréées en Alberta

If it appears, this section contains a distinct list of the School Codes referenced in the column School Code.

  • Legend is be the first legend that appears when multiple legends are required.
  • Shading on this title is consistent with subsection titles.
  • Contains a unique list of school (organizational) codes for the student represented in the document

The school information section is sorted by:

  1. School Code (Ascending)
  2. School Name

School Code

This is the code that matches the school code represented in the Coursework in Alberta Accredited Schools section. No label is included on this column heading. The values display the 4 digit school code without the “S.”.

School Name

This is the description (Orgname from XML of the K-12 Organization Client) that matches the school code displayed alongside. This is the most current school name for the school code specified. No label is included on this column heading.

Mark Legend

This subsection will be displayed within the Legend Section, following the Alberta Accredited Schools subsection (if applicable). A blank line will separate this section from the previous section. This section does not appear in the stored XML.

  • English Field Label: Mark Legend
  • French Field Label: Légende des notes

The Mark Legend consists of two components of interest, the message component and the dynamic mark legend component.

Static Message Component:

  • Where the student’s mark data meets the criteria below, the following item will be displayed within the Legend Section, following the optional Alberta Accredited Schools subsection
  • The following message will be displayed where at least one course record exists with credits greater than 0 with an official mark value of 40-49.
    • English Message: “As of September 1, 1986, credits were not awarded for marks less than 50% in a subject.
    • French Message: “Depuis le 1er septembre 1986, des crédits ne sont pas attribués si une note inférieure à 50 % est obtenue dans un cours.
  • No message appears in all other cases.

Dynamic Mark Legend Component

  • The mark mapping legend will be displayed where the student has at least one non-GED course with a non-numeric mark value.
    • English Message:

The following outlines the letter grade to percentage conversions: A 80 to 100 Percent B 65 to 79 Percent C 50 to 64 Percent D 40 to 49 Percent F 0 to 39 Percent P Pass

  * **French Message**:
      "//Le texte ci-dessous explique les conversions entre les notes alphabétiques et les pourcentages.
      A             De 80 à 100 pour cent\\ 
      B             De 65 à 79 pour cent\\ 
      C             De 50 à 64 pour cent\\ 
      D             De 40 à 49 pour cent\\ 
      F             De 0 à 39 pour cent\\ 
      P             Réussite </WRAP>//"

Credential Requirement Exemptions

A special section is included when a credential requirement exemption exists for a student’s achieved or awarded credential. Each credential requirement exemption will result in a line specific to the credential requirement.

  • English Section Label: Credential Requirement Exemptions for {Credential Short Name}
    • Where {Credential Name} is a placeholder for the credential that appears in the Identification section.
  • French Section Label: Exemption des critères d’obtention du {Credential Short Name}

This section will not display where the student has not achieved or been awarded with a credential.


Credit Explanation Message

This is a static message that will appear if there are any Credential Requirement Exemption Detail lines for this transcript. The language displayed is based on the transcript order item language.

  • English Message: “The student was not required to meet these requirement(s) to achieve this credential. The Government of Alberta’s Guide to Education defines the credential requirements and the provisions for credential requirement exemptions.”
  • French Message: “L’élève n’était pas tenu de satisfaire aux critères ci-dessous pour obtenir cette attestation d’études. Le Guide de l’éducation du gouvernement de l’Alberta présente les critères d’obtention des attestations d’études et les dispositions relatives aux exemptions.”

Note: This message is not included in the PESC Transcript XML.

The message above is followed by the following subheading:

  • English Subheading Label: “Exemption”
  • French Subheading Label: “Exemption”

Credential Requirement Exemption Detail

This is the detail line that appears for each credential requirement exemption the student has been given. The language is based on the transcript language of the transcript order item.

Displays each unique student credential requirement short (English or French) description for the exempted student credential requirement that is one of the following credential requirements:

If there is more than one credential requirement exemption, they will be sorted by the credential requirement relationship’s “Display Sequence”.

Other Credits

This group displays courses where the student was given additional credit due to evaluations. This is an optional section and will only appear if there are records for the student that meet the criteria. A blank line will separate this section from the previous section.

  • English Field Label: Other Credits
  • French Field Label: Autres crédits

The section only reflects evaluations that represent the selected mark of the Official Mark. If a student has an evaluation at one time but later actually takes the course or writes the exam, the course will not appear in this section, instead appearing in the course information section. The marks must be approved and available.

This area will show all evaluated marks with the exception of evaluated marks that have an Evaluation Method of:

The course information section is sorted by:

NOTE: Courses that are not awarded credit will not be included in this section. The above listed evaluation methods will have their marks shown in the Coursework in Alberta Accredited Schools section where the course has been awarded credit.


Description (Purpose)

The following message appears below the section title.

  • English Message: “Credits awarded for courses not taken in an Alberta accredited school.”
  • French Message: “Crédits attribués pour des cours qui n’ont pas été suivis dans une école agréée en Alberta.”

Subject / Occupational Area – Level

This is the subject area that the course is associated with. This sort level will be shown on the document as text within a shaded header grouping. The shading is distinct from the Section Column Headers. The contents of this column are left justified. This area has no field label.


See details from Course Information Subject for more information and formatting rules.

Course Column

This is the seven character code representing the course. The column heading and values are left justified within the column.

  • English Column Label: Course
  • French Column Label: Cours

See details from Course Information Course for more information.

Course Description

A full Course Description contains the current (or historical) Course Full English Name or Course Full French Name name for a course based on the language of the transcript. The description value wraps if the length is longer than the available printable column size. The column heading and values are left justified within the column.

  • English Column Label: Course Name
  • French Column Label: Titre du cours

See details from Course Information Course Description for more information.


The credits awarded to a student for a specific course and attributed to the official mark. The column heading and values in this column are right justified.

  • English Column Label: Credits
  • French Column Label: Crédits

See details from Course Information Credits for more information.

Private Music Evaluations

This group displays courses where the student was given additional credit due to a music evaluations and that music evaluation has a percentage mark value. This is an optional section and will only appear if there are records for the student that meet the criteria. A blank line will separate this section from the previous section.

  • English Section Label: “Private Music Evaluations”
  • French Section Label: “Évaluations relatives à des études privées en musique”

This section will only display where the student has an official mark with:

  • The school mark coming from an evaluated mark record with an Evaluation Method Type of Music Evaluation AND
  • That mark is a percentage mark value.

Note: If the mark value on the music evaluation record is a “P”, the record will be included within the Other Credits section.


Section Description

The following statement is included below the private music evaluations sub-heading:

  • English Message: “Credits awarded for private music studies completed through a recognized music conservatory. These externally issued marks are recognized by the Government of Alberta.”
  • French Message: “Crédits attribués pour des études privées en musique complétées par l’entremise d’un conservatoire de musique reconnu. ”



This column displays the full course code value for the record.

  • English Field Label: Course
  • French Field Label: Cours

Course Name

The column heading for this is labelled as:

  • English Label: Course Name
  • French Label: Titre du cours

This column includes the course name left justified.

This value is wrapped when length is longer than the available printable column size.


The column heading for this is labelled as:

  • English Label: Credits
  • French Label: Crédits

This column displays the credits awarded as a result of the evaluation right justified within the column. The credits awarded to a student for a specific course and attributed to the official mark.

Evaluated Mark

This column displays the percentage value entered for the record. The mark value displayed is to be formatted consistently with how the marks are formatted in the Coursework section.

The column heading for this is labelled as:

  • English: Evaluated Mark
  • French: Note obtenue à l’évaluation

CTS Credentialed Pathway

This section represents the completion of a series of specific courses to provide students the opportunity to achieve a credential or credit awarded by a recognized community or industry organization or post-secondary institution.

  • English Section Label: “Completed Career and Technology Studies Credentialed Pathways”
  • French Section Label: Cheminements des Études professionnelles et technologiques menant à un titre de compétence

This section will only display when there are completed pathways.


The following description is included below the Completed Career and Technology Studies Credentialed Pathways sub-heading:

  • English Description: “Completion of a series of specific courses to provide students the opportunity to achieve a credential or credit awarded by a recognized community or industry organization or post-secondary institution.”
  • French Description: “Une série de cours précis ont été suivis, permettant à l’élève d’obtenir un titre de compétence ou un crédit attribué par une organisation communautaire ou industrielle reconnue ou un établissement postsecondaire.”

Pathway Name

The name of the pathway for the completed series of courses on the transcript.

  • English Column Label: Pathway Name
  • French Column Label: Titre du cheminement

Completed School Year

The school year the pathway is achieved on the transcript.

  • English Column Label: Completed School Year
  • French Column Label: Année d’achèvement

Contributing Course Codes

The course codes in a comma delimited list which represent the completed pathway for the student.

  • English Column Label: Contributing Course Codes
  • French Column Label: Cours faisant partie du cheminement

External Credentials

This section lists any external credentials that have been awarded and provided by the student for their academic record. The section appears if there are one or more external credentials for this student. The sort order of the external credential(s) is by the Award Date in ascending order (most recent on bottom).

  • English Section Label: External Credentials
  • French Section Label: Attestations d’études décernées par un organisme externe


Section Description

The following text is included under the External Credentials section title:

  • English Message: “Credential(s) recognized by the Government of Alberta that are awarded by an external organization.”
  • French Message: “Les attestations reconnues par le gouvernement de l’Alberta qui ont été décernées par un organisme externe.”

Under the title and description, a table is included with the columns listed below.

Credential Name

This is the name of the external credential and displays the External Credential Name or External Credential French Name depending on the language specified on the document order item. This is left justified.

  • English Column Label: Credential Name
  • French Column Label: Nom de l’attestation

Award Date

This column represents the date the external credential was awarded to the student.

  • English Column Label: Award Date
  • French Column Label: Date de remise

The value is to be formatted as follows:

  • English formatting: Mon DD, YYYY
  • French formatting: Le dd month yyyy
    • Example : Le 10 mai 2010
    • Please note that the ‘Le’ is capitalized in this instance.
    • French Date format where date is 1st of any month
      • Example: Le 1er mai 2010
      • Please note: The “er” must be displayed as a superscript
    • French Date format for all date values falling within day 2-9 of any month
      • No ‘0’ should be included in front of the date:
      • Example: Le 6 mai 1995

Awarding Organization

This is the name of the Organization that awarded the external credential. The contents of this column are left justified.

  • English Column Label: Awarding Organization
  • French Column Label: Organisme

Displays the name of the External Credential Awarding Organization for the external credential awarded to the student.

General Information

This section contains a static message that will appear on all transcripts. It will display as the last section on the document. This section does not appear in the stored XML.


General InformationInformation générale
This document represents a summary of this student’s high school achievements as recorded by the Government of Alberta. The Government of Alberta’s Guide to Education outlines the rules for awarding course credits and credentials.Ce document constitue un sommaire du rendement scolaire de l’élève au secondaire 2e cycle, en conformité avec le dossier tenu par le gouvernement de l’Alberta. Le Guide de l’éducation du gouvernement de l’Alberta présente les critères pour l’obtention de crédits et d’attestations.
Should you detect any errors or omissions on this document, please contact the school where the course in question was taken.Toute erreur ou omission dans ce document devrait être communiquée à l’école où le cours en question a été suivi.
For general transcript information, please contact Alberta Education Transcripts and Diplomas at (780) 427-5732. To be connected toll free (within Alberta, outside the Edmonton Area) dial 310-0000.Pour obtenir de l’information générale sur les relevés, veuillez communiquer avec le bureau Alberta Education Transcripts and Diplomas au 780-427-5732. Pour obtenir une ligne sans frais en Alberta, composez d’abord le 310-0000.
The information contained in this document may only be used for purposes to which the student has consented.L’information contenue dans ce document doit être utilisée uniquement aux fins auxquelles l’élève a consenti.

The signature block will appear on the right hand side of the footer of each page of the transcript.

  • English Label: Minister of Education
  • French Label: Ministre de l’Éducation


Transcript As of Date

This is the date the transcript was generated on and represents the date the data was gathered (and stored) by the Document Processor.

  • English Column Label: Transcript as of
  • French Column Label: Date du relevé de notes

The title is left justified within the designated signature block.

For English:

  • Formatted as: Month DD, YYYY.

For the French:

  • Formatted as: le dd month yyyy
    • Month follows the day
    • There is no comma (Uses Windows Long Date format)
    • Example : Date du relevé de notes : le 16 janvier 2015
      • A space is required on either side of the colon and the “le” is lowercase in this instance.
  • French Date format where date is 1st of any month
  • Example: le 1er mai 2010
    • The “er” must be displayed as a superscript
  • French Date format for all date values falling within days 2-9 of any month
  • No ‘0’ should be included in front of the date
  • Example: le 6 mai 1995

Document Number

This is the unique identifier for the processed document. This is created by the system when the document is generated. The title and data field is right justified within the designated signature block.

  • English Column Label: Document ID
  • French Column Label: Numéro d’identification du document :

Invalid Evaluation Transcript Message (Optional Element)

This is a message that the executive director of assessment may have added to a student's transcript. This message is generated in white text on a black box to the left of the signature.

No label is included for this message.

The Message from any active Invalid Evaluation Transcript Message for the student are displayed near the bottom of the transcript.

French Translations

The following section describes the labels and text content for the French language PDF. For simplicity, the translations appear in a table format, which the English equivalent shown as a reference point.

French labels may appear without capitalizations as they have been formatted as expected in the French language. With this release we implement approved French translations whose content has been verified by French Language Services. (Note: English is the primary language used by development and as such the term “localization” will be used to define translations from the primary language). Technically, localizations are stored in resource files.

Transcript Overlays

Depending on the intended recipient and delivery method of the transcript, further steps are taken to apply overlays to the standard transcript.

Official Printed Transcript

Where the system calculates the Intended Purpose as OfficialPrinting (Intended Purpose), the following overlay components are applied:

  • The Minister's signature will be added onto the document.
    • The current Minister’s signature will be included on the transcript document in the location above the signature line.
  • Optical Mark Recognition markings are added to each page of the document to assist in the auto-stuffing processes.
    • OMR Codes are specific to the stuffing machine and need to be located specifically where the stuffing machine has been configured to look for them.
  • A document sequence number is applied to the individual document to differentiate it from other documents in the print job.
    • The Sequence number is a number that uniquely identifies a PDF in a print job. It is printed on the PDF, and must be within a consecutive range for a specific print job. This number range is used by the print provider to ensure that all documents expected to be printed within a print job are printed. It is also used by Student Records to validate that all printed documents returned to Student Records for further action were returned to Student Records.
    • The Sequence Number is printed on the first line of the Mailing Address Block, at the rightmost position. The sequence number is printed on a white background with a smaller font (8 point), Italic and grayscale to clearly distinguish the sequence number from any surrounding transcript content.
  • If the transcript is being produced/viewed in a non-production environment, the text “Test” is included at the top of each page to highlight that this is not the official transcript:

Unofficial Transcript PDF

Where the system calculates the Intended Purpose as UnofficialViewing (Intended Purpose), the following overlay components are applied:

  • No signature is included in the signature section and is replaced with the following text:
    • English: Signature Appears on Official Document Only.
    • French: La signature figure uniquement sur le document officiel.
  • The watermark is applied diagonally across the document:
    • Where the transcript represents the current data for the student, the watermark “UNOFFICIAL COPY” is applied.
    • Where the transcript reflects data that is out of date for the student, the watermark “UNOFFICIAL COPY OUTDATED” is applied.
  • The Provincial shield is applied to the upper left corner of the transcript to mimic the shield that is on the secure transcript paper.

  • If the transcript is being produced/viewed in a non-production environment, the text “Test” is included at the top of each page to highlight that this is not the official transcript:

Digital Official Transcript PDF

Where the system calculates the Intended Purpose as OfficialDownloading (Intended Purpose), the following overlay components are applied:

  • The Provincial shield is applied to the upper left corner of the transcript to mimic the shield that is on the secure transcript paper.

  • The Minister's signature will be added onto the document.
  • The “OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT” watermark is applied diagonally across the document
  • If the transcript is being produced/viewed in a non-production environment, the text “Test” is included at the top of each page to highlight that this is not the official transcript:


The document is formatted to print on standard letter size paper (8.5“ x 11”) portrait orientation, in Calibri and the font size used is appropriate to allow the text of each column to not wrap within the column unless specified. (This will typically be 11 or 10 point). Section Headers (represented by the ‘darkest’ shading’ are preceded by a blank line (except the first section). Appropriate shading is used on heading elements to distinguish heading elements from each other and data details.


The document is built such that the margins are described below (printable page):

MarginMargin Width
Left.10 inches
Right.10 inches
Top0 inches
Bottom0 Inches


  • Headings

White text with a shaded background


  • Column Headings

Grey text with a shaded background. Shading is lighter than Headings


  • Sub Heading

Black text with a shaded background. Shading is lighter than Column Headings


these include the minister’s signature, watermarks, etc
where x is the current page and y is the total pages included in the document
from the student's Course Enrolment OR Evaluated Mark
(note difference of spacing between Code and description
determined via Is Dual Enrolment on the Course Enrolment