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Alberta Student Number (ASN) Certificate (PDF)

The ASN Certificate is a single page document that provides the person information that is known about the student.

General Document

The following guidelines from the Data Format Guidelines are observed:

  • All Letter Format guidelines, which includes styles and font
  • Data Value Format Guidelines (mailing address format, date format, differences in English and French formats, student name format, etc.).

Particular data elements of the ASN Certificate may require specialized fonts, sizes, or colors. Variations from the default are listed with the data element.

In general, any student data elements will be displayed in blue.

Paper & Orientation

The ASN Certificate is formatted to print on a single standard letter size paper stock that is 8.5” X 11” in portrait orientation.

Data ElementDefinition
{Logo}Vertical logo for Alberta Government Signature to be used.
Style: Refer to GOA Corporate Identity Manual (Section 2.2.2) for additional sizing and protective space constraints.
Location: Left Aligned
Document TitleDisplays the document title “Alberta Student Number (ASN) Certificate”
Style: Arial Bold 14 point black
Location: Centered on Page space between {Logo} and the right margin.

Note: If the document is produced from a non-production version of PASIprep, then the red “TEST»>” is added at the top of the document on each side of the Document Title in the same font and styles as the document order item letters are handled.

The Page Header data elements shall be followed by 2 blank lines to provide spacing between the page header and document content.

Document Content

ASN, Preferred Name & Date

Your Alberta Student number (ASN) is: {ASN}
Your Preferred Name is: {Preferred Name}
Student Information As Of: {today}


  • {ASN} is the ASN of the student. Formatted following the public format and styled as Arial Bold 10 point
  • {Preferred Name} is the Preferred Name for the Student in PASIprep. Formatted following the public format, Last Suffix, First Middle, and styled as Arial Bold 10 point
  • {today} is the date the ASN Certificate was created (Today). Formatted following the public format and styles as Arial Bold 10 point

The following table shows the layout and content in this section:

Student Legal Identity Information
Last Name:{StudentLastName}Document Type:{DocumentType}
First Name:{StudentFirstName}Document Number:{DocumentNumber}
Middle Name:{StudentMiddleName}Issue Date:{DocumentIssueDate}
Suffix:{StudentSuffix}Is Name Exactly Same as Written on Document:{IsNameExact}

The dynamic attributes have been linked to their respective data elements.

Current Mailing Address

The following table shows the layout and content in this section:

Current Mailing Address
Postal Code:{PostalCodeZip}
Effective Date:{EffectiveDate}
Expiry Date:{ExpiryDate}

The dynamic attributes have been linked to their respective data elements.
If the Expiry Date is null, then show “N/A”.

Preferred Phone Number

This section is only included if the client has a By Last School Enrolment or higher association to the student.

The data elements are displayed in a column format horizontally aligned with the 2nd column of data elements in the Student Legal Identity. The following table shows the layout and content in this section:

Preferred Phone Number
Phone Number:{Number} from the Student Phone Number Details
Extension:{Extension} from the Student Phone Number Details
Effective Date:{PhoneEffectiveDate}
Expiry Date:{PhoneExpiryDate}
Is Listable:{Is Listable}

The dynamic attributes have been linked to their respective data elements.
If the Expiry Date is null, then show “N/A”.

Email Address

This section is only included if the client has a By Last School Enrolment or higher association to the student.

The following table shows the layout and content in this section:

Email Address

The dynamic attributes have been linked to their respective data elements.
Where only one active student email exists, use that email address. Where multiple active email addresses exist for the student, use the most recently updated active email. If the student has no email addresses, display “None”.

The ASN Certificate ends with the following content:

The information above may be used:

  • Within the student record
  • Within the student information systems used by schools and school authorities
  • On the student's report card
  • In communications with the student's parent(s) or legal guardian(s)

Alberta Education has the Alberta Student Number {AlbertaStudentNumber} on file for you. You will require this number when communicating with Alberta Education, Enterprise and Advanced Education, Apply Alberta, Apprenticeship and Industry Training, Student Finance and post–secondary institutions.

The email address will be used by Alberta Education for unsolicited communication with the student.

Hours of Operation: 8:15am to 4:30pm Monday - Friday (Mountain Time)
Phone: (780) 422-9337 (for toll free access within Alberta, first dial 310-0000)

The dynamic attributes have been linked to their respective data elements

alberta_student_number_certificate.txt · Last modified: 2020-09-03 14:28 by bryon