List Diploma Exam Sittings

  • The List Diploma Exam Sitting page is accessible via the 'Courses & Marks' header menu item.
  • The page allows a user to search for, view, and manage diploma exam sittings individually or in bulk.

Secured By

Refer to Diploma Exam Sittings Data Access Rules for the security used to control access to this functionality.

List Diploma Exam Sittings

The search allows a number of pieces of information to be selected to generate a filtered overview of relevant Diploma Exam Sitting.

Search Fields

The page uses the PASIprep List Items Template which includes the context bar.

The following selection criteria fields are presented on the context bar in the order of appearance (* denotes mandatory criteria):

Field Name Description Field Format
Authority* The authority of the Writing CentrePermits the user to select the Authority the user wants to use as criteria for searching sections.

User is a Ministry user:
* A drop down that will contain the names of authorities (including the Authority code, formatted as per data guidelines) and should be displayed in an ascending order. The first item in the list will be blank.

User is a not Ministry user:
* Not editable and will show the user’s authority (including code).
Writing CentreThe Writing Centre that is hosting the Exam SittingLists all Organizations that belong to the current Authority selection.

Defaults to blank which will query “All” writing centers for all schools in the selected Authority, unless it is a school user – their school will be automatically selected and it cannot be modified.

Includes a list of writing centres associated to the selected authority - sorted by A-Z.

An blank option to indicate “All Writing Centres“ will be available as the first option and will be displayed by default
School Year School Year in which the Diploma Exam Sitting will be held in.The school year the user wants to use as criteria for searching sittings. The dropdown will contain all Accepted School Years.

Note: This is the School Year of the Exam that is being offered in the sitting.
Exam Type The Exam Type of the Exam to be offered in the sitting Lists all Exam Types (i.e. Diploma, Pilot Diploma). Default is “Diploma”
Exam Period The Exam Period in which the Diploma Exam Sitting will be held in Lists all Exam Periods (i.e. January, June, etc.)

The Select control has a list of Exam Periods code values (short descriptions) that are not expired for the selected Exam School Year, sorted by the reverse order they occur in the School Year (i.e. August, July, June…September). A blank option is also available as the first option – this is the option selected by default.
Include Deleted Exam SittingsIndicates if the deleted exam sittings should also display in the data grid. When the checkbox is selected deleted records will appear in the data grid.Check box

Search Results

When user hits [Search] it will cause PASIprep to call the retrieve and list the potential Diploma Exam Sitting matches. Client side validations are performed and all mandatory search criteria is entered. If the client side validations have passed, then the Diploma Exam Sitting records that matches the entered criteria are displayed in the grid section.

The search results are loaded to the data grid on the page with the results sorted by:

  • Course Code
  • Exam Period (Sorted by the reverse order they occur - Most current first)
  • Writing Centre
  • Component

Data Grid

The grid is follows the PASIprep Business Object Grid guidelines.

* denotes fields that are visible on the grid by default.

Column Grouping Field Name Description
{Checkbox}Checkbox to select the record for further actions.
{View Icon}View icon that links user to the View Diploma Exam Sitting Page.
{Edit Icon}Edit icon that links user to the Edit Page.

The Edit action opens the Edit Diploma Exam Sitting popup.

Hidden if user only has PASIprep Level 23A Permission - View Exam Sittings.
Exam Course Code *Edit icon that links user to the Edit Page.
This icon only visible if the user has L23.

In addition, if the exam sitting is a special sitting and the user does not have PASIprep Level 18D Permission - Organizational Group - Assessment Sector, the icon will be hidden. Course code associated to the exam sitting. The value has a link to view course page. Column is hidden by default.
Exam Course Description Course Full English Name. Column is hidden by default.
Component* Component Name. No value is displayed in this column when there is only one component.
Exam Period* Exam Period (Diploma Exam)
Exam Language*Language of Exam (Diploma Exam)
School YearSchool Year (Diploma Exam)
Writing Centre* Shows the Writing Centre that is linked to the sitting. The value has a link to the organization page in PAS. Formatted as “{Name} ({Code})”.
Writing Centre Name Shows the name of the Writing Centre that is linked to the sitting. Column is hidden by default.
Writing Centre Code Shows the code of the Writing Centre that is linked to the sitting. The value has a link to the organization page in PAS. Column is hidden by default.
Special Sitting Date and Time Scheduled Date and Time
Location* Location Name
Student Capacity Maximum* Maximum Student Capacity
Available*Available Student Capacity
Exam Scheduled Date and Time* Scheduled Date and Time (Exam Component)
Exam Type Exam Type
Special Sitting?* Is Special
Last Updated On* Last Updated On
Last Updated By Last Updated By
Is Deleted Diploma Exam Sitting Is Deleted
Reference # The unique Diploma Exam Sitting Reference ID for the record.

Grid Action Menu Bar

The functionality for the grid will include bulk and singular operations for updating sitting records. The user will have the following functionality capabilities:

  • Bulk Operations: The grid will allow the user to multi select with checkboxes. Once all checkboxes are selected the user can then select an action.
  • Singular Operations: The grid will allow the user to select one student with checkboxes. The user can then select an action button.

Action Toolbar

Field Name Behavior
Add Applies Rule 80007 - No Exams for School Year. If this rule passes, opens Add Diploma Exam Sitting page. If the rule fails, the error is returned in a standard alert dialog.

Hidden if user only has PASIprep Level 23 Permission - Manage Exam Sittings.
Delete Deletes all records selected.

Hidden if user only has PASIprep Level 23 Permission - Manage Exam Sittings.
Undelete Undeletes all records selected.

Hidden if user only has PASIprep Level 23 Permission - Manage Exam Sittings.
Register Students

This actions allows the user to process Diploma Exam Registrations in Bulk by using PASIprep Functionality Create Diploma Exam Registrations in Bulk.

The following validation rules are applied to this action:

If the above validations passes, then it launches PASIprep Functionality Create Diploma Exam Registrations in Bulk.

When user confirms a single or bulk delete/undelete operation, client slide validation rules will run. If there is a single error it will appear in the the error message panel. If there are errors with more than one record an error dialog will appear with a [Export] link for a csv file that contains a row for every sitting record that caused an error.