List Student Documents Eligible for Disposal


The following outlines the main functionality and process steps for permanently disposing of Student Records Documents.

Process Overview

1. Create Student Document Disposal records

  1. Every night the Transitory Records Processor runs
  2. One of the steps it performs is to look for documents with a Disposal Eligibility Date up to 60 days in the future
  3. For each document found it creates an unconfirmed Student Document Disposal record

2. Send Email Notification

  1. Every day at 8AM the Document Disposal email processor runs and checks to see if it is the day to send the Student Document Disposal Notification email to the Student Record Custodians
  2. Enabling the Document Disposal Email Notification and specifying on what day of the month the email should be sent, is managed by Student Records in the Admin area under PASI Settings
  3. The content of the email is also managed by Student Records in the Admin area under List Letter Template

3. Confirm Records for Disposal

  1. Upon receipt of the Document Disposal Notification Email the Student Record Custodian logs into PASIprep and confirms the Student Document Disposal records
  2. Records that are left unconfirmed will be included in the next email notification
  3. If there is a student whose documents should not be disposed of the Student Record Custodian may contact Student Records to place the Student on a Student Document Disposal Override Hold

4. Physically Delete Confirmed Records

  1. Every night the Transitory Records Processor runs
  2. One of the steps it performs is to physically delete documents where the associated Student Document Disposal record has been confirmed and the Disposal Eligibility Date has passed

PASIprep Screens

Secured By

Informational Message

The following informational messages is presented on the screen:

When the disposal is confirmed, these documents will be completely removed from PASI.

Documents Eligible For Disposal

This section of the screen displays the total number of requested documents that can be disposed and the total number of students who have documents requested for disposal.

Data Grid

* displayed by default

Field NameDescription
Document Type*The name of the document to be disposed
Total Documents*The number of requested documents of the specified Document Type.
Total Students*The number of students with a requested document of the specified Document Type.

This grid is sorted based on Document Type in ascending order.

Students Excluded From Disposal

Students on this grid do not qualify to have their documents disposed as they currently have an active Student Hold. Students with an active student hold will not be included in disposal confirmation regardless of when their hold became active as long as the hold is active prior to the “confirm disposal” action taking place.

Data Grid

* displayed by default

Field NameDescription
ASN*The Alberta Student Number for the student. Displays as a link to the Student if the user meets the Access to the Student (Moved) data access rules.
Student Name*The Preferred Name of the student. This is presented as a link only when the user meets the data access rules to view a student.
Student Last NameThe last name of the student's Preferred Name
Student Name Suffix The suffix of the student's Preferred Name
First NameThe first name of the student's Preferred Name
Middle NameThe middle name of the student's Preferred Name
Reason*Displays the Student Hold Type from the active Student Hold record. If there is a Student Hold of both types the StudentDocumentDisposalOverride (Student Hold Type) type will be displayed.
In order to see data within this field the user must have PASIprep Level 32 Permission - Manage Student Hold Information.

Action Tool Box

Confirm DisposalWhen selected the Processing Confirmation Dialog will be displayed
CancelWhen selected, this action will not process any of the requested documents and re-directs the user to the PASIprep Homepage.

Processing Confirmation Dialog

The dialog will display the following message: “Are you sure you want to Dispose the Eligible Documents?”

NoWhen selected, this action will close the dialog. The user will remain on the Confirm Disposal of Requested Documents screen.
YesProcesses the requests to dispose the requested documents and updates the Student Document Disposal Audit Event record for each requested document with a Confirmed On Date date/time of the current date/time and a Confirmed By of the user. This allows the Transitory Records Processor to delete the documents the next time the processor runs.

Once the document has been confirmed for disposal it is completely removed from PASI and cannot be recovered. The user will remain on the Confirm Disposal of Requested Documents screen which will be refreshed to show that there are no documents left to be confirmed.

Primary Scenario #1 - Dispose Eligible Student Record Documents

This scenario begins when documents become eligible for disposal.

  1. A Student Records user accesses the Request Disposal of Eligible Documents functionality in PASIprep to request the disposal of student documents.
  2. The user determines there are documents to dispose.
  3. The user requests the disposal of the eligible documents.
  4. A Records Management user accesses the Confirm Disposal of Requested Documents functionality in PASIprep to confirm the disposal of the student documents.
  5. The Records Management user confirms the disposal of the documents.
  6. Overnight, the Transitory Records Processor permanently disposes of the eligible documents.

This scenario ends when the eligible documents are permanently disposed.

Alternate Scenario #1 - No Documents to Dispose

This scenario begins after step 2 in the primary scenario when the user determines there are no documents eligible for disposal.

This scenario ends as the user has chosen not to permanently dispose of the eligible documents.

Alternate Scenario #2 - Documents will not be Disposed

This scenario begins after step 2 in the primary scenario when the user chooses not to dispose of eligible documents.

This scenario ends as the user has chosen not to permanently dispose of the eligible documents.