Submit Mark Approval

The Submit Mark Approval service can be used to change the approval status (Approved/Not Approved) on one or more PASI Core marks. Marks that can be approved/not approved include:

An approved mark will be visible to all authorized PASI users including Ministry users


The service can be accessed by systems with the Submit Academic Record User role.

Request Information

The following information is provided when using this service:

  • Mark Type * - A Mark Type code value indicating the type of mark being submitted.
  • Is Mark Approved * - Identifies if the mark should be considered approved by the submitting organization.
  • For each mark being set to approved or not approved status:
    • Reference ID * - The Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) used to reference the mark record.
    • PASI Core Version * - The PASI Client’s currently known version of the mark record.

Only organizations that are associated to a mark will be able to change the mark approval status.

Request Validations

Service Functionality

Each record included in the request is validated individually. For a single request, some marks may be updated successfully while other mark records may not. Once the information is successfully validated, the Is Approved data element for the mark will be updated to match the request.

As the record is updated:

  • audit information about the change is captured and can be retrieved using the appropriate Get Audit History service (not defined in this document), and
  • the Status for the associated mark record is recomputed and may result in new Core Alerts, or changes to existing Core Alerts.

Each record included in the request is validated individually. For a single request, some marks may be updated successfully while other mark records may not. Once the information is successfully validated, the IsApproved data element for the mark will be updated to match the request

A Transcript Trigger is created for each Student / Course Code combination.

Response Information

The response will contain a SubmitReponse object per mark being approved indicating its new PASI version number if the update was successful or the rejection(s) associated to the mark approval.

The following information is returned after a successful request has been processed: