Submit Email Address

Note: Prior to the 2018 endpoint, this service was referred to as Submit Student Email Address.

Part of F8991 (7.11)

This service is used to manage a Student Email for a Student in PASI Core. This service can be used to perform the following actions:

  • Add a new email address
  • Update an existing email address
  • Delete an existing email address


The service can be accessed by systems with the Submit Student User role.

Request Information

The following Student Email information is provided when using this service (* denotes mandatory information):

In addition:

  • Delete Email Address* can be used to indicate that the email address should be deleted

Request Validations

Service Functionality

This service will provide the following functions based on the request and what information exists in PASI.

Add E-mail Address

Add – When an email address, ASN, and zero (0) reference ID and the ASN email address combination does not exist a new email address record is created for the ASN.

  • If the email address is already being used by another student in an undeleted PED self-connection (‘Active’, ‘Student Hold’, or ‘Suspended’):
    • use rule 11608 to reject the new email address
  • If there are other student(s) sharing the active email address in PASI and none of the email(s) are being used in an undeleted PED self-connection (‘Active’, ‘Student Hold’, or ‘Suspended’).:
    • set all of the active email address (IsInvalid flags = ‘Yes’) (including the IsInvalid flag for the new email address)

Update E-mail Address

Update – When the email reference ID has been included in the request

  • If the email address is already being used by another student in an undeleted PED self-connection (“Active”, “Student Hold”, or “Suspended”).:
  • If there are other student(s) in PASI sharing the updated email address and none of the email(s) are being used in an undeleted PED self-connection (“Active”, “Student Hold”, or “Suspended”).:
    • set all of the active email address (IsInvalid flags = ‘Yes’) (including the IsInvalid? flag for the updated email address) in PASI
  • If there was only one student sharing the previous email address (the email address before the update):
    • set the active email address (IsInvalid flag = ‘No’) for that email address (Note: if there was more than one student sharing that email at the time of the update then the IsInvalid flags should remain ‘Yes’).

Delete E-mail Address

Delete – When the delete email address indicator is true

  • If there is one other student with that same email address:
    • set the active email address (IsInvalid flag = ‘No’) (Note: if there was more than one student sharing that email then the IsInvalid flags should remain ‘Yes’).

Note: When an email address is deleted the email reference ID is no longer valid for the student; therefore, if an update is attempted for the deleted record, validation rule 9006 should be returned.

Validation Status Triggers

When a Student Email record is added, updated, or deleted, a Student Status Processor Trigger is created to trigger recalculation of the Validation Status for the Student.

Anytime the IsInvalid flag is updated, the student status processor is triggered for those student(s) to reassess work item Rule 11607 - Invalid E-mail Address.

Response Information

A successful response to this service will include:

  • A response to a Submit Email Address request identifies if the request was successfully applied. If not successful, the response identifies which validation rules failed