Submit GED Examinee

This service is used to submit information about a GED Examinee.

An Examinee is a student that has been created through the GED testing process and subsequently linked to an ASN (student) in PASI.


This Submit GED Examinee service can be accessed by systems with the PASI System User role.

Request Information

A request to use this service will include (* denotes mandatory information):


  • Is Deleted can be specified to delete the GED Examinee record.

Validation Rules

Service Functionality

PASI will determine if the record being submitted is new, or is an update to an existing record and the information will be recorded within the PASI Core.

If the Mapped ASN changes for a GED Examinee:

  • a Transcript Trigger will be created for each GED Course Code for the GED Exam Marks associated to the original ASN (before the change) and the updated ASN (after the change). Any other updates to the GED Examinee do not require the Transcript Processor to be triggered.
  • a check will be done to see if the student's Current Mailing Address should be updated.

Updating Current Mailing Address for a student

When changing the Alberta Student Number (Student), PASI will check to see of the student's Current Mailing Address should be updated. The address for a student will attempt to be updated if the GED Examinee information includes:

When all the appropriate information is available, PASI will confirm:

If the above criteria is satisfied, the GED Examinee Address Information is cleansed and used to create a new student mailing address record in PASI using the Submit Mailing Address service:

If the validation rules on the Submit Mailing Address service rejects the mailing address updates then the process ignores this address update. These rejections are not reported back.

Matching Address Information

Before any matching is attempted, both the GED Examinee address information and the student's preferred address information is normalized.

  • Any leading, trailing, or repeated spaces are removed from each element of the address
  • Any # or ° characters are removed from each element of the address
  • Accents from each element of the address are removed
  • Each element of the address is converted to lower case
  • Each element of the address is split based on punctuation and white space
  • Abbreviations are normalized (e.g. 'avenue' to 'ave')
  • A space is injected the middle of any valid 6-character postal code in the format (L#L#L#)

Once normalized, the addresses are considered matching if the Country, Postal Code, Province, City and Street details are exactly the same.

Cleansing Address Information

Cleansing of the GED Address information is intended to ensure that the submitted address information does not result in the following Submit Mailing Address rejection rules failing:

This means that:

  • Any leading, trailing, or repeated spaces are removed from each element of the address
  • Any # or ° characters are removed from each element of the address
  • The GED Examinee Postal Code is converted to upper case.
  • Any valid 6-character Postal Code (GED Examinee) is ‘converted’ into a 7-character format.

Student Activity

The Student Activity record the the student if the GED Exam Mark School Year associated to any of the GED Examinee's GED Exam Mark records is greater than the current Student Activity School Year.

Response Information

A response to a Submit GED Exam Mark request identifies which records were successfully updated. For any records that are not updated successfully, the response identifies which validation rules failed.