Submit Student Citizenship Status

The Submit Student Citizenship Status service is used to manage a Student Citizenship record for a Student in PASI. This service can be used to:

  • Add a new Student Citizenship Status,
  • Update an existing Student Citizenship Status, or
  • Delete an existing Student Citizenship Status.

This version of the service is available starting with the 2019 Service Endpoint1).


This service can be accessed by systems with the Submit Student User role.

Request Information

Request Validations

Service Functionality

Once the information is successfully validated, the information will be recorded within the PASI Core.

Elections Alberta Striggers

PASI will create/update the student’s Elections Alberta Trigger record if the Student Citizenship record is created, updated, or deleted against a Primary ASN.

Validation Status Triggers

When Student Citizenship information is added, updated, or deleted, against a Primary ASN the following Status Processor triggers are created:

When Student Citizenship information is added, updated, or deleted, against a Secondary ASN the following Status Processor triggers are created:

Response Information

A response to a Submit Student Citizenship Status request identifies if the request was successfully applied.

If not successful, the response identifies which validation rules failed.

Any value provided for the Student Citizenship Document and Guardian Citizenship Document will be rejected.

Update History

  • Release 9.03 - Feature 10810 - Update
for the earlier version of this service, refer to Submit Student Citizenship Status (2018 EP and Earlier)