Dual Credit Opportunity Overview

PASI tracks information regarding two different types of “Credentials”:

The Province of Alberta has undertaken an initiative to provide students with greater opportunities to get the opportunities that they need to succeed in the world. The “Dual Credit Strategy” has been an undertaking that supports this initiative.

Refer to http://www.albertadualcredit.ca/ for more information.

The term Dual Credit Opportunity for Students encapsulates the following areas that PASI manages data around:


Dual Enrolment Course Enrolment

Students may be eligible to receive credit in both high school and post-secondary courses, when taken through organizations who have a partnership in place. For more information on Dual Enrolment course enrolments, please refer to http://www.albertadualcredit.ca/.

Dual Enrolment opportunities are entered and stored in PASI as a Course Enrolment with the Is Dual Enrolment flag set to “Yes” and a Partner PSI value. These types of opportunities provide the student with the ability to earn credits at a high school and post-secondary level where that high school and Post-Secondary Institution have an agreement in place to offer this for a course.

The student will typically end up doing a portion of the coursework in a high school setting and a portion in a post-secondary setting.

From a PASI perspective:

  • Post Secondary Institutes (PSI) information is sourced from PAS. The PSI that is offering Dual Enrolment is captured against the student's course enrolment record.
  • PSI information is also available to the authorized PASI clients via a service call.
  • The PSI information is made available to the Corporate Data warehouse (CDW) team to support their reporting needs.

CTS Credentialed Pathway

Students may complete recognized, predefined CTS Credentialed Pathways by completing the courses required to complete the pathway. To see a complete list of the currently accepted credentialed pathways, refer to https://education.alberta.ca/media/3115183/cts-pathways-credentials.pdf.

In order to complete a pathway, the student must either complete the courses or be awarded extra credit (via external credential evaluated marks) for those courses by the school after that school has added the student's external credential to the student's record.

Note: In the future, ideally a student would complete the courses in a given set of courses that will provide them with the experience and knowledge necessary to request an “External Credential” from an organization external to Alberta Education.

The pathway completion gets calculated by CTS Credentialed Pathway Completion Calculator and stored as a Pathway Completion record.

Completing a pathway may provide the student with the knowledge and skills necessary to optionally pursue getting an external credential via the external organization that awards the associated credential, however, completion of a pathway does not guarantee that a student will get their associated External Credential.

From a PASI perspective:

  • The CTS Credentialed Pathway information is maintained in the Curriculum Development Application (CDA) application. On a nightly basis, PASI uses a Web service call to Pull this data into PASIcore. This CTS Credentialed Pathway information is used to for calculating student's Pathway completions. Refer to CTS Credentialed Pathway Completion Calculator for further details.
  • If the student is deemed to have 'Completed' the Pathway, then this Pathway completion information is represented on the PASIprep screens, DAR and Student's Transcript.
  • Pathway completion information is also available to the authorized PASI clients via a service call.
  • The CTS Credentialed Pathway information is made available to the Corporate Data warehouse (CDW) team to support their reporting needs.

External Credentials

Alberta Education supports or recognizes some credentials that are awarded to high school students by organizations external to Alberta Education. These credentials have been approved as recognized, which means that the credential information can be included on the Student's transcript.

Where a student has earned a recognized External Credential, the student may ask the school to add the external credential to their Alberta Education high school record.

Although an External Credential typically has a credentialed pathway associated it it, just because a student has received an external credential does not automatically mean that they have completed the credentialed pathway that accompanies that external credential. They must meet the requirements for the pathway to complete the pathway.

For more information on how PASI handles the External Credential functionality, refer to Manage Student External Credential

External Credential Evaluated Mark

Students can be awarded with credits without taking courses for unique situations via Evaluations.

Relating to External Credentials, there is an Evaluation Method specifically for this purpose EXCRED (Evaluation Method).

Where an external credential has been added to a student's record, the school user (typically the Principal) may choose to award the student with extra credits via an Evaluated Mark record (with an Evaluation Method of “External Credential”) for the course(s) associated with the credentialed pathway that is related to that external credential.

Note: The credentialed pathway structures also provide the mapping necessary to support the External Credential evaluated mark.



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