Create Student (2017)

This service is used to submit information about a new student to the PASI Core and to capture the Alberta Student Number (ASN) generated for the new student.


The service can be accessed by systems with the Submit Student User role.

Request Information

The information provided as part of the request includes detailed information about the new Student (items marked with an * are mandatory):

Note: for Student Address the following processing is done to determine the Address Format of the Student Address:

Validation Rules

The information submitted is validated against the following rules:

If the information is successfully validated, the PASI Core will store the information and assign the student an ASN which will be returned in the response.


If the information is successfully validated, the PASI Core will store the information and assign the Student an ASN which will be returned in the response. The Student Name that was provided will be identified as the Original Name.

Expiry Date Student Address

If the information is successfully validated, then the Expiry Date value (provided in the service request) is stored in the Expiry Date Override (Student Address) field.

Student Synchronization Status

When creating a new student, the student's Synchronization Status will be set based on their Birth Date and Gender:

Scheduled Student Record Disposal Date

When a student is created, this service calculates and records the Scheduled Student Record Disposal Date based on the student's birth date.

Validation Status Triggers

When a new student is created, a Student Status Processor Trigger is created to trigger recalculation of the Validation Status for the Student.


The usage of this service is audited using Service Auditing including the auditing of Caller Information.

Service updates are audited by creating a Student Audit Event with an Audit Subject of “CreateStudent (Audit Subject)” and the Audited Values containing all the attributes provided to the service.

Student Activity

This service creates the Student Activity record based on the Current School Year. In the event that there is more than 1 Current School Year, the earliest school year is used.

Response Information

A response to a Create Student request identifies if the request was successfully applied. When successful the response will contain the Alberta Student Number (ASN) assigned to the new student record. If not successful, the response identifies which validation rules failed.

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