Student Record Documents Overview

The PASI Digital Student Record functionality provides the ability for PASI to house a digitized version of the student record and to support the policies/process/procedures for authorities as per the Student Record Regulation:

  • Access to the student record by an Accredited Alberta School
  • Access to a copy of the student record by other authorized parties (e.g. out of province school)
  • To collect and maintain the student record in a secure manner
  • To support retention of the student record in a secure manner
  • To support disposal and destruction of the student record
  • To support a student who is transferring to a different school
  • In alignment with GOA Digitization standards
  • Following GOA Records Management standards
  • In compliance with acts and regulations

While the Student Record is the responsibility of the board to manage, by introducing a Digital Student Record, the boards will be able to manage the student record within PASI and provide access to view / update the student record to those organizations where the student is registered.


Schools are responsible for maintaining a Student Record for every student that they have enrolled. Traditionally this has been a combination of structured data held in their SIS combined with a physical folder (often called a cumulative folder) that contained paper copies of documents. As a student moves from school to school, the cumulative folder is transported behind the scenes to each school.

Each board establishes their own policy/process/procedures for the creation/maintenance of the student record. Most of the student records that are maintained are physical files in a folder. There are a few authorities that maintain the student record in digitally within their systems.

Objectives of Digital Record Management

The objective is to create and manage records that are authentic, reliable, complete, unaltered and useable. The effective integration of digital records management policies and practices into the design of PASI should result in records, regardless of their original physical form, that are capable of reflecting the attributes described below.


The PASI digital record can be proven to:

  • Be what it purports to be,
  • Has been created or sent by the person purported to have created or sent it, and
  • Has been created or sent at the time purported.

To ensure the authenticity of records, the Ministry and School Authorities should implement and document policies and procedures that control the creation, receipt, transmission, maintenance and disposition of records. PASI will implement policies and procedures that ensure creators are authorized and identified and that the digital records are protected against unauthorized addition, deletion, alteration, use and concealment.


The content of a digital record can be trusted as a full and accurate representation of the transactions, activities or facts to which it attests; the digital record can be depended upon in the course of subsequent transactions or activities. Ideally, digital records should be created at the time of the transaction or incident to which they relate, or soon afterwards, by individuals who have direct knowledge of the facts or by instruments routinely used within the business to conduct the transaction.

Complete and Unaltered

The integrity of a digital record refers to its being complete and unaltered. Digital records should be protected against unauthorized alteration. Digital records management policies and procedures should specify what additions or annotations may be made to a record after it is created, under what circumstances additions or annotations may be authorized, and who is authorized to make them. Any authorized annotation, addition or deletion should be explicitly indicated and traceable.


A useable digital record is one that can be located, retrieved, presented and interpreted. It should be possible to demonstrate a direct connection to the business activity or transaction that produced it. The contextual linkages of digital records should carry the information needed to understand the transactions that created them and how they were used. It should be possible to identify a record within the context of broader business activities and functions. The links between the records documenting a sequence of activities should be maintained.

Overview of Processes

Visio that contains the following 3 diagrams: interactions_between_srd_processes.vsdx

Managing the Student Record Documents

Business Driver Details
A1 School wants the Student's Record due to first time enrolment in that school This starts with Transfer Record to Student’s New School. If the school has access to PASI then creating the school enrolment will provide the access the school is looking for. They will go to Manage a Student's Record to review the record.

If the school does not have access to PASI then they will follow Request Access to Student Record by Third Party User.
A2 School receives a request for a copy of a Student's Student Record The school uses the Manage Alberta Student Link Requests which implies that they will use Manage a Student's Record to review the Student Record before providing a copy.
A3 School user needs to view and/or manage the contents of a Student Record for a student that in their school The user starts with Manage a Student's Record since they are wanting to view or manage some aspect of a Student's Student Record. This would include viewing, updating and deleting a Student Document. If they are wanting to add a document that has not been digitized, then they will need to perform Add a Physical Document before doing the Add an Electronic Document.
A4 School user is reviewing the Student Record Documents that have a reported problem The user starts with the Manage Student Documents with a Reported Problem process and then uses parts of the Manage a Student's Record to view the specific Student Documents and to determine how to address each problem report.
A5 School user is reviewing the Student Record Documents that have been marked for Quality Assurance (QA) The user starts with the Quality Assurance of Digital Documents process and then uses parts of the Manage a Student's Record to view the specific Student Documents and to determine if QA passes or fails.

Batch Loading of Student Record Documents

Business Driver Details
B1 School wants to upload a batch of documents all of the same type This starts with Load Student Documents without Waybill (Business Process). Once uploaded, the PASI Document Submission Processor will process the batch file.
B2 School wants to upload a batch of documents of different types This starts with Load Student Documents with Waybill (Business Process). Once uploaded, the PASI Document Submission Processor will process the batch file.

Administration of Student Record Documents

Business Driver Details
C The Ministry is managing the Document Types This starts with Define Document Type Definitions to define the document types. Manage Document Type Definitions is used to apply the updates to PASI.
D The Ministry has decided to formally dispose eligible documents The Dispose Eligible Student Record Documents process is used to perform this action.

Applicable Standards / Regulations / Acts

The following are a list of acts, standards and regulations that will influence and guide the implementation of a Digital Student Record in PASI:

    • RIM0001 Digitization Chain of Custody
    • RIM0002 Digitization Document Preparation
    • RIM0003 Digitization Program Required Documentation
    • RIM0004 Digitization Quality Assurance
    • RIM0005 Digitization Recommended Practice
    • RIM0006 Digitization Standard FAQs
    • RIM0007 Indexing Field Descriptions
    • RIM0008 Digitization Business Analysis
    • Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act
    • Secure Electronic Signature Regulations
    • Digitization Procedures Manual Guide
    • Preparation of Records Schedules for the Disposition of Imaged Source Records
    • RIM0001, RIM0002, RIM0003, RIM0004, RIM0005, RIM0006, RIM0007, and RIM0008
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